my20cworth t1_je4rgrc wrote
Reply to Vladimir Putin stages giant nuclear training exercise with 3,000 troops, in menacing show of strength to the West by HelpfulYoghurt
That's all he has now. Gone straight to using nuclear threats. He's running out of troops and weapons so it's in desperation that he threatens weapons of last resort. After 12 months the Russian Army has not been able to over run a smaller country and has been humiliated that if failed its invasion and had to retreat. Over 100,000 dead troops and thousands of pieces of hardware are gone. It will be upto the Russian Generals what's left of them, if they are willing to allow Putin to sacrifice Russia for some personal vendetta against the "immoral" West.
my20cworth t1_ja6is2l wrote
Reply to France, Germany, and the UK offer a plan for Ukraine that doesn’t include NATO membership by Core2score
Allow Ukraine to join NATO (or come up with another security pact) with a caveat that if attacked, nations can choose to support or not and if that then supporting NATO country is attacked by Russia there is no automatic need for NATO to jump in as the "one attacked is an attack on all members" maybe why some are reluctant to let Ukraine in.
my20cworth t1_ja6eke7 wrote
Reply to comment by dhriggs in What great, classic movie should have a remake, even if most people know the ending? by FreeThinker76
No, but will give it a look.
my20cworth t1_j9xgbuw wrote
Reply to What great, classic movie should have a remake, even if most people know the ending? by FreeThinker76
Actual was thinking last night if they did a remake of First Blood, watched it again about the 4 th time now. Maybe not one to to mess with but a sort of a modern spin, a bit of back story and more in homage to the original. Not sure who to get to play Rambo, even if they are not called Rambo.
my20cworth t1_j9oplhu wrote
Reply to comment by pauelena in Erdogan drops idea to postpone elections by sherry_waseer
Not if it is factual and it comes out he weekend construction laws or sanctioned short cuts in building permits.
my20cworth t1_j9nyigo wrote
He will try every little excuse he can to somehow make it work out for him. These current dictator wannabes in democracies,in the last 5 years, have tried all the lies and ways to stay in power. Trump, Erdogan and Bosinairo have weaselled their way through government to stay in power but in the end democracy has prevailed. Fingers crossed.
my20cworth t1_j6m8q2u wrote
Reply to China claims Covid wave is ‘coming to an end’ as tourism and factory activity rebound by misana123
Just like that. I swear reports a month ago there was a huge surge with record deaths. Just can't trust Chinese reporting, it's so politically driven and filtered through the propaganda ministry.
my20cworth t1_j6l69tk wrote
People burn these books or scrolls etc for a reaction and the Muslim community give a reaction they are looking for (outrage, anger and violence in many cases). Just don't react. Ignor it. The novelty will ware off. The impact will lose its clout and effect and die off, that's how you gain the upper hand and win. Islam is bigger than a physical burning of a book, the words are not diminished in anyway if a human printed version is burned. Produce another. Being insulted can be contained to a statement rather than violence or anger.
my20cworth t1_j6hgbjx wrote
Reply to No protest rallies approved in 3 years due to ‘health’ concerns, say Hong Kong security chief by Saltedline
Just say it Hong Kong and stop the bullshit Communist excuses. Protest is banned, CCP has taken over.
my20cworth t1_j6gs8d9 wrote
Oh God here he goes again. Fat boy is so fanging to have a war. He's looking for any excuse.
my20cworth t1_j6b0rvs wrote
Reply to So I watched my first ever Tarantino movie: Inglourious Basterds. It's one glorious bastard. by Comic_Book_Reader
Yes. One of my favourites. The apple strudel scene is brilliant as is the wine cellar.
my20cworth t1_j63449v wrote
Russia does this anyway regarless of anything Ukraine or the west does. It's a daily occurrence, not a result of.
my20cworth t1_j2dvn7a wrote
Yeah well when you can't afford New Year fire works, may as well use a few left over missiles.
my20cworth t1_j1u0rz2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kosovo: Serbia puts troops on high alert over rising tensions by Upbeat-Grapefruit734
NATO bombed Belgrade not the US, because portions of the Serb army under the Milošević regime was carrying out well documented massacres and ethnic cleansing. That's why they stepped in. Yugoslavian aggression was halted and a UN peace keeping mission was put in place. Regardless of all this, carrying on as if all would be peaceful if not for the US is ridiculous. This conflict has been going on long before the US was even a thing.
my20cworth t1_j1tmnsr wrote
Fucking Balkans again. Fucking Serbs, just like their Russian comrades stirring up shit again and always looking for an excuse to get back Kosovo, even when they are only 6% of this region. If the Serbs didn't fuck over the ethnic Albanians before Kosovo independence and ensure fair and equal treatment and justice as with Serbs then they may have kept Kosovo. This centuries long hate for each other will never be resolved. The hate is too entrenched and the nationalist extremists on both sides will always cause problems.
my20cworth t1_j1cp38k wrote
No deal.
my20cworth t1_iycne6q wrote
Jesus, get over it and move on as there are a thousand other issues to worry about in governing a country.
my20cworth t1_iya26tv wrote
Reply to comment by Working_Welder155 in Russia steals almost 900 tons of grain in Luhansk Oblast by sviterochec
I know it's been like this and not a new thing. But recently it is getting in your face obvious to almost officially be acceptable, in even the political realm to formally recognise Russia in this manner.
my20cworth t1_iya0aza wrote
Reply to comment by somewhatfriendlyuser in Russia steals almost 900 tons of grain in Luhansk Oblast by sviterochec
What is Ya'll. Do you mean "you all" and who is you all. And how do you know that I or us have "never cared to pay attention".
my20cworth t1_iy8buv3 wrote
Russia is lowering its self to mafia terrorist state status.
my20cworth t1_iy1vkvu wrote
The movie was crap. All over the place and way over the top.
my20cworth t1_ivhcqse wrote
Throw the fucking key away. He wants to have the right to the law, he can play catch up on the murder victims rights to live a long life.
my20cworth t1_iugy38s wrote
Reply to comment by Gman1111110 in Qatar lavished British MPs with gifts ahead of World Cup by ladyem8
The fact that it's out there and we know about it means someone's onto it. The media are onto it and it will be exposed.
my20cworth t1_iugozmo wrote
Here we go "the election was stolen".
my20cworth t1_jedcpg7 wrote
Reply to Why do people say the superhero genre is "dead"? by CboyC95
I could never get into superhero movies, even as a kid. They are action packed but I just feel they cover the same old format and theme just in different costumes, have some kind of weakness and the same old villians and basically are never really ever going to die, so any death defying scene is always a foregone conclusion. My guess is where more can you go with this genre. It won't die off but they do seem to bring out a Spiderman and Batman movie every year and I could never tell them apart or what sequence they are in or it they have any significant plot twist.