
mymar101 t1_izkz1vl wrote

I’m looking for simple ideas for practical projects to incorporate machine learning into. I’m also looking for something that a solo beginner could do using libraries like scikit learn. Any ideas? I’m not interested in simply predicting things. I’d like a practical application to fit it inside.


mymar101 t1_iu7826z wrote

Ah, so the 2nd amendment is for shooting anyone we don't agree with. Gotcha. Maybe I completely read that part wrong. Also, maybe I replied to the wrong comment, but you people are all the same. 2nd amendment is the most important right above everything. If someone is labeled a criminal they deserve whatever's coming to them. Oh and you're pro "life." I was using those as examples as to when do I should I just be shot by any old person who thinks I've broken the law? After all if I steal a pack of gum I am a criminal by your standards and if I get shot by the cops oh well. There's much to callous a disregard of human life online and it sickens me.