mynameisalso t1_ium82kt wrote
Reply to comment by Fochinell in Homeless People in Lancaster CA Are Being Forced to Live in the Desert by xCeladon
They mean isolated outside the city. People not from there wouldn't consider any city a desert because it isn't barren anymore.
mynameisalso t1_iu51hhj wrote
Reply to comment by Anonymoustard in Piet Mondrian artwork displayed upside down for 75 years by Superbuddhapunk
Someone noticed.
mynameisalso t1_isfqio5 wrote
Reply to comment by ariceli in Parkland prosecutors ask for an investigation after a juror says she was threatened by ‘a fellow juror’ during deliberations - CNN by SilentR0b
I didn't know it was a choice you could make
mynameisalso t1_ium8mac wrote
Reply to comment by Fochinell in Homeless People in Lancaster CA Are Being Forced to Live in the Desert by xCeladon
How to turn temporary homelessness into permanent homelessness 101. Make it absolutely impossible for them to find work.
Can't believe your terrible take is getting upvoted full of self absorbed bullshit.