
mynameisnotshamus t1_iyeziio wrote

What is your reasoning for this being wrong? For transgendered people being wrong? It’s clear you have an issue with a segment of society and you’d rather ignore that segment than simply saying they exist, they, like other groups are mostly good people who just want to live a happy and productive life. But because they are different from you, you’re scared I guess. That’s fine- people get scared all the time. Understand your fears and look at them. I’d hope you’d realize there is nothing to be afraid of, and it’s not worth your energy to be fearful.

Older people - including myself need to realize our viewpoints are outdated. If younger people are good with something then that’s how it’s going to go. It’s their world more than ours. Stop fighting it. Try to live a happy life and help others be happier along the way.


mynameisnotshamus t1_iy9000c wrote

Your opinions seem valid but you’re missing the overall point of getting people in position to make changes be able to actually call out the bad actors, show evidence in a clear manner. One person alone can’t get results. You know that’s not how the political system works.

Here’s one of many examples of Katie Porters work. I’d love to see something similar done with Eversource - not that it would result in meaningful change, but I’d still like to see it.


mynameisnotshamus t1_iy8q25j wrote

What CA charges has nothing to do with her effectiveness at calling out corporate greed, which she’s been better at than just about anyone in a Congress. And she does it in a direct and succinct, easy to understand and difficult to argue against manner. You can get information from the EEs, economists, supply chain people, etc. and put their information into easy to understand messages. You don’t need to be one of those people.