
mynameisnotshamus t1_j2dh2h1 wrote

Ha! Same! First new car in 15 years. My old plate was a bit beat up, so opted for a new one… and it’s a BJ plate! Even the salesman laughed. People comment more on the plate than the new car. I’m considering a vanity plate- not a dumb word like most do, but just some random number letter combination. Or, I just laugh at it and call it my BJ mobile. BJ cruiser, etc. want to start a BJ club? We can have BJ meetings once a month. I’ll get some shirts printed up.


mynameisnotshamus t1_j2dedbd wrote

You didn’t make this post for “them”. “They” will never see it and you know that. You made it for you. “I hate the fast drivers with the loud exhausts. Let’s talk about it.” Is a more honest title, but social media has brought us to being weird. (My own online crankiness included).


mynameisnotshamus t1_j240vtr wrote

Agree on the sentiment, but Guy is by all accounts a really solid dude. He set up a charity and did a ton of work to help restaurant workers during the pandemic. He gives a lot of his time and money to help others. He’s allegedly a great father too. I used to think he was super cheesy and kind of douchey until I found out more about him, heard others in the industry talk about him and and heard some interviews.


mynameisnotshamus t1_j1bq3x7 wrote

Reply to comment by tiredmom07 in Egg prices by tiredmom07

I go through a $20 / 50lb bag a month with 3-4 birds. The biggest expense is the coop and run which cost about $1000 when I got finished. Very much over built, but also very secure - lots of predators to keep out. Bedding for the coop, I went the most expensive way- hemp. But, I only have to clean the coop out maybe once a year, so it’s worth it. (Approx $50). First year you’ll get about 20 eggs a week from March-October. Slow decline after the first year. You can put a bulb in the coop during winter if you want them to keep laying, but you also deal with freezing eggs, and fire risks. I just think it’s good to give them some time off. Like humans, chickens are born with all of their eggs. If you deplete them quickly, then you have a chicken who doesn’t lay anything, sooner.