mynameisnotshamus t1_jdoo0xr wrote
Reply to comment by AdHistorical7107 in MANDATORY HELMET LAW by stu8163
Of course. That’s a horrible argument for this however.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jdon8qy wrote
Reply to comment by awebr in MANDATORY HELMET LAW by stu8163
I’m questioning that you saw someone in New Haven get pulled over for a traffic infraction. I’ve never heard of that happening. /s , but seriously… I’ve never seen it or heard of it happening. I know at one point in the 90’s the police were told not to.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jdomwml wrote
Reply to comment by AdHistorical7107 in MANDATORY HELMET LAW by stu8163
It’s more the idea of constant surveillance. It’s the principle more than the act and is definitely a precedent setting / slippery slope situation.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jdm3b6r wrote
Leisha’s is really good and fairly priced.
I don’t see the point in a quality cake for a 1yr old smash cake though. Just get something from the grocery store.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jdcbsqi wrote
Reply to Are we officially done with the snow? by Funny_stuff554
Who are you asking? I’d like to know this person.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jd8dksa wrote
Reply to comment by uglylittledogboy in How early do I have to get to Neil’s donuts if I want a chance of anything good? by uglylittledogboy
Again, it’s a doughnut. You’ll enjoy it in the moment but you won’t eat one and think back on it years later.
I haven’t tried but plan on it soon- Brooklyn Bakery in Waterbury- often called best in CT
Fairfield County: Rise in Wilton - warm out of the oven, unique flavors and really good. Stupidly expensive - I think around $4 per doughnut.
Coffee An in Westport (right off the Merritt and not snooty Westporty. It’s a small diner type place that also has doughnuts - Very good, more traditional. Cash only though.
Uncle Leo’s Norwalk and Georgetown (corner of Redding, Ridgefield, Wilton) - better than average, made fresh daily.
Speedy Doughnuts, Norwalk. Local doughnut shop - very good but not quite up to Neil’s.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jd8ao13 wrote
Reply to comment by uglylittledogboy in How early do I have to get to Neil’s donuts if I want a chance of anything good? by uglylittledogboy
Good luck! The worst that happens is maybe you’ll need to go again.
They’re good, but nothing amazing. They’re just doughnuts. Enjoy the adventure though.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jd88r2p wrote
Reply to How early do I have to get to Neil’s donuts if I want a chance of anything good? by uglylittledogboy
I’ve been at 10am on a Saturday and they were pretty well stocked. They also are pretty amazing at getting a line moving. It went really quickly.
Do they tend to sell out most days?
mynameisnotshamus t1_jd88g6h wrote
Reply to Toll Brothers and Harris Realty Announce Joint Venture to Develop 393-Unit Luxury Rental Community in Norwalk by jr_reddit
Oooh 37 affordable units.
I can’t imagine buying a Norwalk apartment for the price of a house other places. I get it you can walk to places but those places aren’t so appealing.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jcpu125 wrote
Reply to This seems really unsafe. by Spadmo
Pish posh. “Safe”.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jcp44vc wrote
Reply to comment by Ziggy1433 in $105 Billion Train to NYC in 45ish minutes by EliteDetonater
In the most simplistic terms maybe. It would increase the quality of life for a lot of people, would help to bring more jobs to CT, would help future proof the area. There are a lot of intangibles beyond hey this stuff costs lots of monies.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jck15pj wrote
Reply to comment by Signal_turn_350 in New Haven Restaurants by Signal_turn_350
Thank you!!! Wait, what about the “Woooo!!!”?
mynameisnotshamus t1_jci5w79 wrote
Reply to New Haven Restaurants by Signal_turn_350
Is it going to be one of the ones where you all wear some group themed whatever, drink too much, talk too loud and say “wooooo!” A lot?
mynameisnotshamus t1_jbf7k2b wrote
Reply to comment by LawyersGunsandMoneys in Does CT need 169 municipalities? Some say merging makes sense by NicoleMcIsaac
I just don’t know how they depend on Hartford. Employment - sure many work in Hartford, but many don’t. Pay their fair share of what? Many people work in a town or city that they don’t live in. Would this fair share apply to everyone then? That’d get messy quickly.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jbesd0t wrote
Reply to comment by LawyersGunsandMoneys in Does CT need 169 municipalities? Some say merging makes sense by NicoleMcIsaac
My comment was meant as a joke, but how could West Hartford not exist without Hartford just as any other town could exist without Hartford?
mynameisnotshamus t1_jb9bzjz wrote
Reply to comment by dumplingboy199 in Does CT need 169 municipalities? Some say merging makes sense by NicoleMcIsaac
West Hartford is rich and white. Hartford is not.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jay010d wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in US approved 192 licenses for exports to blacklisted Chinese firms early 2022 by Neo2199
That’s hilarious. I’ve hung out with him and the band a couple of times. They were seemingly all very cool. Bigger debate than is needed here and I’m sure no one wants it, but vaccines are more than do what the government wants. Anyway… It’s rumored to be a major reason the bosstones broke up.
Punk has some quality musicians - Fugazi for instance. Travis Barker is another that instantly comes to mind.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jawgmn6 wrote
Reply to comment by P0Rt1ng4Duty in US approved 192 licenses for exports to blacklisted Chinese firms early 2022 by Neo2199
Good ol anti-vax Dickie.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jae8xfb wrote
Reply to comment by gatogrande in First time gardening by mak83s
Ahhh. Moisture retention. Got it. I’ve had issues at least early with too much moisture, slugs and some mildew. Every year it’s been a new issue. Last year I didn’t have a garden for first time since having a yard.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jae3ujc wrote
Reply to comment by LloydChristmas666666 in What careers do you guys have? by Limp_Stress4254
Nice! Love to hear people’s small business stories.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jadxx5m wrote
Reply to comment by gatogrande in First time gardening by mak83s
I’ve never used straw for anything in a garden. It doesn’t seem to be a necessity.
If it’s a new spot for you, contact your local extension office - google should tell you what that is and send in some soil to be tested. You can the amend the soil as needed to set yourself up well to start.
You can start seeds but I think it’s just easier to wait and buy plants around Mother’s Day.
As someone else said, put a weed barrier down. Slice just enough to plant your plant. Space them properly. Give room to wal between them once they’re fully grown - rows about 4 ft apart should work.
Pay attention to watering needs.
You may need a fence around the garden if you have deer or rabbits or chipmunks or other things…
mynameisnotshamus t1_jadwrwl wrote
Reply to comment by LloydChristmas666666 in What careers do you guys have? by Limp_Stress4254
What kind of small businesses if you don’t mind? And how’s that working out?
mynameisnotshamus t1_jacp8hk wrote
Reply to comment by ovrhere_ in Finally Snowfall by Johnnie-1
Shoulds don’t really factor in
mynameisnotshamus t1_jacodnd wrote
Reply to comment by scarsmom143 in Move to Connecticut by [deleted]
Got it - wasn’t intending to come off as jerky as it might have, more as a facts vs opinions statement. My votes are Wilton, Ridgefield, Westport and New Canaan. All have objectively great schools and great town amenities. Weston has a smaller population so has less of that. But is so close to the others it doesn’t matter. In Weston you have more woods and country feel.
mynameisnotshamus t1_jdoq5vj wrote
Reply to comment by AdHistorical7107 in MANDATORY HELMET LAW by stu8163
You’re not worth the effort to further explain.