
mynameisnotshamus t1_ixvuxjo wrote

Thanks. Very much looking forward to listening this week - I only tend to listen while I work and I’ve had some time off. You’re doing a great thing here. Podcast and posts - much appreciated, Thank you!!


mynameisnotshamus t1_ixux7lp wrote


mynameisnotshamus OP t1_ix3a6xe wrote

Completely anecdotal but I’ve heard there are often a lot of maintenance nightmares. I’ve also heard It’s difficult and expensive to retrofit into existing buildings. It seems amazing if you can make it work. Again, These are just foggy memories that stuck in my brain so who knows where the truth on geothermal is. If building new, I’d look into it.


mynameisnotshamus OP t1_iwzfu0s wrote

I found this bit interesting

“Why have we not built additional pipeline capacity? The industry has proposed several pipeline projects to bring natural gas into CT, RI, and MA. Click HERE to see the list of these projects. These projects have been opposed by many in the legislature and administration who are against investing in ANY hydrocarbon related project. These projects would be funded by the private sector and do NOT require any public funds; they require regulatory approvals. Due to the lack of government support, CT consumers will pay $1.5 billion in higher costs this winter; without such projects, spikes will continue for a decade.”

Like most things, there is probably more to the story. I thought it was great that he sent something out addressing concerns though. I haven’t heard much from others.