mynameisnotshamus t1_iwucgo2 wrote
Reply to comment by PrpleMnkyDshwsher in The Road That Killed A City: A podcast series about how I-84 destroyed the heart of Hartford. A trend that was happening to all American cities. by marxianthings
I know someone who’s family long ago owned a very large section of waterfront property in Fairfield county. It wasn’t all that valuable back then.
mynameisnotshamus t1_ivjd6of wrote
You really think you’re the only special person?
mynameisnotshamus t1_ivawylf wrote
Reply to comment by MuffinMobile643 in When it's 73 degrees in Connecticut in November, it's the perfect time for a lobster roll at Stew's.... by RedditDadofCT
Yes. I’d be happy to teach you how to eat a lobster bib-lessly (it’s a word, look it up). There are definite techniques.
mynameisnotshamus t1_iv9qo54 wrote
Reply to comment by MuffinMobile643 in When it's 73 degrees in Connecticut in November, it's the perfect time for a lobster roll at Stew's.... by RedditDadofCT
People who wear bibs don’t know what their doing when it comes to eating a lobster. Rookie move.
mynameisnotshamus t1_iuiivib wrote
Reply to comment by Athrynne in What is the justification for taxing horses? by [deleted]
Of course. I was referring to the comment on taxes being on value over $1000. The tax therefore should be minimal.
mynameisnotshamus t1_iuihpdv wrote
Reply to comment by Justinontheinternet in What is the justification for taxing horses? by [deleted]
What state is tax free? They may not tax you for your vehicle yearly but they’re getting money from you one way or another. Also, chances are that magical state not taxing you has many shortcomings due to that decreased revenue.
mynameisnotshamus t1_iuihgl9 wrote
Reply to comment by Athrynne in What is the justification for taxing horses? by [deleted]
Quick google says miniature horse cost on average around $1000.
mynameisnotshamus t1_iudrv96 wrote
Reply to comment by yudkib in Is CT overdue for license plate color redesign ? by KenS7s
Wasn’t there are dark navy or black plate with white letters/numbers? I think there may have been a couple different blues used as well. Might need to do research later. There was also the old combo plates that were I think a maroonish color letter/number on white background?
mynameisnotshamus t1_iudmybz wrote
Reply to comment by sjsmac in Is CT overdue for license plate color redesign ? by KenS7s
There’s have to be a study, then a team of designers.
mynameisnotshamus t1_iudmw45 wrote
Reply to comment by yudkib in Is CT overdue for license plate color redesign ? by KenS7s
How retro are you wanting though?
mynameisnotshamus t1_iu8rom0 wrote
Reply to Need help IDing owner of SD card by nineisnumber
Weston is a pretty small town and many know each other. I’m in Weston but am pretty new and don’t have kids so, I don’t know many.
There is one small grocery store in town. Maybe contact them to see if they’ll post something?
mynameisnotshamus t1_iu74lc9 wrote
Reply to comment by soulofsoniy in I’m blind by soulofsoniy
Are you typically prone to hysterical responses? You may not be the best judge of your own behavior, but maybe ask someone close you you?
mynameisnotshamus t1_iu6ua2h wrote
It was listed for a somewhat affordable price. Hopefully the new owners will keep the old spirit while updating what’s needed and making something great of it.
mynameisnotshamus t1_iu15ak3 wrote
Reply to comment by FireyToots in Hockey in Connecticut by poorlywrittenriffs
That had to have been really cool.
mynameisnotshamus t1_iu0wts0 wrote
Reply to comment by Pruedrive in Connecticut's Candidates for Congress Weigh in on Continued Aid for Ukraine by jr_reddit
They love money more
mynameisnotshamus t1_iu0wfey wrote
Reply to comment by Veryexpensiveggs in Hockey in Connecticut by poorlywrittenriffs
Because it’s been discussed a lot here, there was a Netflix documentary, and an upcoming movie?
mynameisnotshamus t1_iu0vwkk wrote
Reply to comment by CaptServo in Any CT teachers in here? by [deleted]
Can I be outraged or not?! Screw it Imma burn a book.
mynameisnotshamus t1_itz45a3 wrote
Reply to comment by 1234nameuser in Robots Now Delivering Food at SCSU in New Haven – NBC Connecticut by lokitdwn
It’s not remote controlled
mynameisnotshamus t1_itz41ct wrote
Reply to This is nuts. by therealcocochanel
mynameisnotshamus t1_itz3vui wrote
Reply to comment by mkt853 in This is nuts. by therealcocochanel
How does anyone know?
mynameisnotshamus t1_itz3v3r wrote
Reply to comment by yudkib in This is nuts. by therealcocochanel
Stay tuned for shocking footage capturing a young black male in Simsbury breaking into cars in broad daylight.
mynameisnotshamus t1_itxbj5s wrote
Reply to comment by lokitdwn in Robots Now Delivering Food at SCSU in New Haven – NBC Connecticut by lokitdwn
They have an alarm that goes off if they’re messed with and a gps tracker. They’re well respected at other colleges they’ve been used at.
mynameisnotshamus t1_it7n4d2 wrote
Yikes. Sounds coordinated. I hope they can get to the bottom of it.
mynameisnotshamus t1_iwzaq5i wrote
Reply to Have you guys noticed an orange star in the sky recently? by MerlynTrump
This is how it starts- lots of interesting things up there. Get an app like Sky Guide or Night Sky. You can then point your phone at it and it will tell you what star, planet, satellite, etc it is. If you want to find something specific, you type it in and the app directs you where to look.