mytendies t1_je79uyw wrote
Reply to comment by 2conservative in Thoughts on why Big Tech has been rallying and if it’s sustainable? by vwxyzabcdef
Ha nice one, honestly. Crypto is shit tho
mytendies t1_jdg39g4 wrote
Reply to comment by SeemoarAlpha in Fed Balance Sheet by Mega-Lithium
Please inform all market participants of this. They don’t get it
Submitted by mytendies t3_11t46mb in wallstreetbets
mytendies OP t1_jaf00l7 wrote
Reply to comment by Professional_Dog5574 in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
mytendies OP t1_jaezyv8 wrote
Reply to comment by monkman99 in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
Buy the at the money call and the at the money put would be the conclusion
mytendies OP t1_jaezvcv wrote
Reply to comment by monkman99 in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
Because likely calls and puts are cheap relative to some big moves in the past 4 weeks (on those tickers)
mytendies OP t1_jaevihl wrote
Reply to comment by LEAPSKing in Most Bullish Underlyings and the "Cheapest" Calls by mytendies
Are you a gay bear?
mytendies OP t1_jaevged wrote
Reply to comment by selipso in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
There in lies the insight which might make it a good trade.
mytendies OP t1_jaevakr wrote
Reply to comment by PleasantAnomaly in Most Bullish Underlyings and the "Cheapest" Calls by mytendies
Hope so
mytendies OP t1_jaem7kq wrote
Reply to comment by tytus_bomba in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
You could use the "directional_bias" column to make choices on stocks, but this is 90% focused on option pricing (volatility).
Safest play: sell the most "expensive" options, out of the money, and let them decay to 0.
mytendies OP t1_jaelwny wrote
Reply to comment by ldecline in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
IV represents future expectations of price movement. I just compare that to past realized price movements.
mytendies OP t1_jaelrbn wrote
Reply to comment by jcodes57 in Most Bullish Underlyings and the "Cheapest" Calls by mytendies
so are you saying coin calls are relatively cheap or relatively expensive?
mytendies OP t1_jaellic wrote
Reply to comment by jballs in Most Bullish Underlyings and the "Cheapest" Calls by mytendies
Good find. Basically if you look at TTD historical vol it moved "more" than is currently priced by puts or calls. Mainly it is explained by having a really volatile past 4 weeks
mytendies OP t1_jaefqhz wrote
Reply to comment by PleasantAnomaly in Most Bullish Underlyings and the "Cheapest" Calls by mytendies
They are cheap relative to historical volatility. That is all I can say.
Cheap is a relative term so the question is... relative to what? If it is being compared to historical vol then these calls are cheap (IV is significantly less than HV).
mytendies OP t1_jaeccq8 wrote
Reply to comment by B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME in Most Bullish Underlyings and the "Cheapest" Calls by mytendies
all that you can see, is yours
mytendies OP t1_jaec944 wrote
Reply to comment by Imaginary_Ship5466 in Most Bullish Underlyings and the "Cheapest" Calls by mytendies
mytendies OP t1_jae8h1k wrote
Reply to comment by mold_motel in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
Puts on W, 4 weeks out. Or TTD
mytendies OP t1_jae8aph wrote
Reply to comment by B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
Submitted by mytendies t3_11eiq0o in wallstreetbets
mytendies OP t1_jae5vk0 wrote
Reply to comment by B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
hold my bear. Will post it in about 10 mins after this report runs
mytendies OP t1_jae5szn wrote
Reply to comment by BadWoodworking in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
"4 weeks out" as indicated in the first two sentences.
Fair point on the column headers, I need to explain that shit better on the next one.
mytendies OP t1_jae5msu wrote
Reply to comment by DiamondDustVIII in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
I am trying... been stuck doing boring things past 30-40 days, but back on the grind now. Will keep posting if helpful! LMK if there is anything else that would make these more useful
mytendies OP t1_jae05uf wrote
Reply to comment by BadWoodworking in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
not trying to be an ass, but I get so confused by people's reaction to it. Can you honestly just read the sentences above each table and see if your confusion is resolved?
If you are still confused, let me know and I will explain it in a different way.
In short: the most bearish stocks (table one) and the cheapest puts (second table)
mytendies OP t1_jadlmad wrote
Reply to comment by ItsNotYourFault in Most Bearish Stocks and the Cheapest Puts by mytendies
ok gracias!
mytendies t1_je7mwb3 wrote
Reply to comment by 2conservative in Thoughts on why Big Tech has been rallying and if it’s sustainable? by vwxyzabcdef
Rational. All I would say is that the dollar has the us military backing it and that is why collectively market participants believe in its value.
I 100 percent agree people pulled bank deposits and sold banking shares… and bought “other currencies” like gold and crypto