myusernamehere1 t1_j4xz0yu wrote
Reply to comment by HomicidalChimpanzee in Study suggests that consuming at least one regular cola per day may be associated with higher odds of Pancreatic Cancer and a higher hazard of mortality after Pancreatic Cancer diagnosis by mightx
Bad for your teeth maybe, but phosphoric acid isnt unhealthy. I mean stomach acid had a pH of 1.5-2.0; and thats due to the presence hydrochloric acid.
myusernamehere1 t1_j42hfw4 wrote
Reply to comment by J8sukesb4lls in Close eyes crown, Me, Digital, 2022 by ArthasVie
"You can tell by the way it is"
myusernamehere1 t1_j3slpfq wrote
Reply to comment by speedywilfork in Physicists have discovered that mimicking human muscles can lead to more efficiently designed electric motors for use in robots and appliances. Their bioinspired motors use up to 22% less energy, have a greater range of motion and can lift objects higher than typical electric motors. by Sariel007
I wish this was obvious to everybody
myusernamehere1 t1_j3shj7n wrote
Reply to comment by UniversalMomentum in This biotech startup says mice live longer after genetic reprogramming by ChickenTeriyakiBoy1
I doubt the gene alterations are heritable, unless they affect germ line cells
myusernamehere1 t1_j356iy7 wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in I asked ChatGPT if it is sentient, and I can't really argue with its point by wtfcommittee
Well, i saw a bad argument (or a few) and i pointed it out and explained my reasoning. Not sure why thats a bad thing, i think it promotes educated discourse.
myusernamehere1 t1_j355jto wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in I asked ChatGPT if it is sentient, and I can't really argue with its point by wtfcommittee
My argument is that your arguments arent valid lol
myusernamehere1 t1_j354tls wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in I asked ChatGPT if it is sentient, and I can't really argue with its point by wtfcommittee
Well, i disagree with everything you just said and find the keyboard analogy humorously off-target. My argument is not "anything is possible."
myusernamehere1 t1_j352wrq wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in I asked ChatGPT if it is sentient, and I can't really argue with its point by wtfcommittee
Sentience is the ability to have "feelings". These do not have to be similar to the feelings us humans understand, they could be entirely alien to our experiential capabilities. The ability to interpret text prompts could be a sort of sensory modality. And id argue that way the human brain operates can be abstracted to a complex "probability model". It is very possible that consciousness itself is "simply" an emergent property of complex information processing.
Have you seen the paper where a researcher hooked up a rat brain organoid to a (in simple terms) brain chip, and taught it to fly a plane in a 3d simulated environment? Or, more recently, a human brain organoid was taught to play pong? These organoids had no ability to sense their environment either, and both may very well have some limited level of sentience/consciousness.
myusernamehere1 t1_j34zt78 wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in I asked ChatGPT if it is sentient, and I can't really argue with its point by wtfcommittee
True. And i agree for the most part. Yet you started with and provided other arguments for why you think it is not conscious, none of which hold up to scrutiny. I am just arguing against those claims.
myusernamehere1 t1_j34yb7o wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in I asked ChatGPT if it is sentient, and I can't really argue with its point by wtfcommittee
Oh im not arguing that ChatGPT is conscious, i just dont think you have arrived at any meaningful reasons as to why it couldnt be concious. Whos to say that an "input of tokenized vectors of numbers that represent tokenized text" is unable to result in consciousness? Again i do not think ChatGPT is necessarily advanced enough to be considered sapient/sentient/conscious.
myusernamehere1 t1_j34seyn wrote
Reply to comment by ChronoPsyche in I asked ChatGPT if it is sentient, and I can't really argue with its point by wtfcommittee
Why? This is not the case. Would a human brain grown in a lab having no sensory connections not be conscious?
myusernamehere1 t1_j1xzn30 wrote
Reply to comment by InflamedLiver in TIL that one of the few positive health effects of smoking is a drastic reduction of a person's risk of thyroid cancer. According to a Korean study of the health records of over 10M people, smokers have a 36% lower risk of thyroid cancer. Smoking and heavy drinking reduces one's risk even more. by EncyclopediaJake
You called?
myusernamehere1 t1_j1p43e7 wrote
Reply to comment by DefiantStomp in TIL that incarcerated prisoners make a contraband drink in prison called "pruno" which entails fermenting fruit, sugar cubes, bread, and water in a ziplock bag a several days. by FlashyBehind
Do you actually believe that? How gullible are you?
myusernamehere1 t1_j1p3yn4 wrote
Reply to comment by BrokenEye3 in TIL that incarcerated prisoners make a contraband drink in prison called "pruno" which entails fermenting fruit, sugar cubes, bread, and water in a ziplock bag a several days. by FlashyBehind
It makes you feel better when everything is shitty
myusernamehere1 t1_j1p3ujg wrote
Reply to comment by BlackMarketCheese in TIL that incarcerated prisoners make a contraband drink in prison called "pruno" which entails fermenting fruit, sugar cubes, bread, and water in a ziplock bag a several days. by FlashyBehind
Methanol is primarily produced from fermenting grain, not sugar or fruit. Although a small amount of methanol will still be produced, the antidote happens to be ethanol, which will be present in much higher concentrations than methanol. So not much danger of blindness if any.
myusernamehere1 t1_j11tc16 wrote
Reply to comment by Paradox68 in How realistic is “The future of” on Netflix? by alakeya
Its not, was just a proof of concept
myusernamehere1 t1_iypaiud wrote
Reply to comment by CrucifiedAsparagus in New Estimate Finds More Magma Under Yellowstone Supervolcano - The extra magma doesn’t mean it’s more likely to erupt, scientists say. In fact, the better measurement helps them to understand its future by GeoGeoGeoGeo
Climate change may very well disrupt and possibly collapse organized human society, but it is very unlikely to result in extinction.
The doomsday mentality is a dramatization in most cases.
myusernamehere1 t1_iy1agib wrote
Reply to comment by piroteknix in An esthetically pleasing row of homes. by PinkamenaDP
Neither quirky or unique, but i agree with the sentiment
myusernamehere1 t1_iy1adcw wrote
Reply to comment by OliveTBeagle in An esthetically pleasing row of homes. by PinkamenaDP
The colors are horrendous
myusernamehere1 t1_ixy39xk wrote
Reply to comment by Redditing-Dutchman in A bot that watched 70,000 hours of Minecraft could unlock AI’s next big thing by Soupjoe5
There was a mod that did exactly this. The millenaire mod, dont think its been updated in years tho
myusernamehere1 t1_ixnz6es wrote
Reply to comment by No_Formal_8697 in Quantum Microscopes Could Enable Atom-Scale MRI by Sariel007
It would be awesome if that was something that was possible
myusernamehere1 t1_ixk0fq1 wrote
Reply to comment by OliverSparrow in GPT-4 is Almost Here, And it Looks Better than Anything Else - As GPT-3 remains a lot ambiguous, the new model could be a fraction of the futuristic bigger models that are yet to come. by izumi3682
The entire article is spectacularly poorly written
myusernamehere1 t1_ivrdr0q wrote
Reply to comment by KittenKoder in A study found that people perceive that robots are replacing human jobs at a greater rate than they actually are. Only 14% of workers say they’ve had their job replaced by a robot. Workers who had been supplanted by a robot estimated that 47% of all jobs have been lost to robots. by Brave_Cycle_8745
Like the corporate offices who manage fast food chains for example? Which office jobs in particular do you think are not valuable?
myusernamehere1 t1_ivr4zn8 wrote
Reply to comment by KittenKoder in A study found that people perceive that robots are replacing human jobs at a greater rate than they actually are. Only 14% of workers say they’ve had their job replaced by a robot. Workers who had been supplanted by a robot estimated that 47% of all jobs have been lost to robots. by Brave_Cycle_8745
Suffering is subjective. Someone might claim to suffer if there was nobody to take their order at Mcdonalds, and its not clear that you would label such a job as "necessary."
myusernamehere1 t1_j5lb7ic wrote
Reply to comment by max703862 in RE: 900 people upvoted the question if I would do a new comparison with Protein instead of Kcal. Here is the new Version of "Comparing McDonald's vs Burger King Value" [OC] by Xytoup
Nope. You can definitely start pissing protein if you have to much of it. Thing is, this typically only occurs with either some specific health conditions, or if you are eating way to much of a protein supplement.