myusernamehere1 t1_ivkuqd0 wrote
Reply to comment by SamohtGnir in Scientists are working on an official 'alien contact protocol' for when ET phones Earth by Gari_305
Mushrooms could not have led to an evolutionary change, as they dont effect your genetics. The doubling of brain size was an evolutionary arms race for intelligence.
myusernamehere1 t1_iutsn75 wrote
Reply to comment by BeowulfsGhost in Researchers show off iPhone and iPad brain-control tech in accessibility breakthrough. by SUPRVLLAN
This article covers a "computer-brain implant technology that allows patients to control an iPhone or iPad using their brain."
myusernamehere1 t1_iue7jw5 wrote
Reply to comment by HalalRumpSteak in Quitting cigarettes is easy. You just need to skip the first one of the day. by Mister_Weiss
Yea youre missing the joke
myusernamehere1 t1_iu731pd wrote
Reply to comment by Heres_your_sign in TIL there's a lake in South Carolina called“Alcohol And Drug Abuse Lake” by LeftFieldBlue
Thats fine just as long as you mean to smoke crack
myusernamehere1 t1_ittpcmg wrote
Reply to comment by Mr_Mouthbreather in Man bursts into flames after being tasered during arrest in Arkansas by V3r4L4u7aro420
Haha no getting shot is much worse.
myusernamehere1 t1_itp6kiy wrote
Reply to comment by mb5280 in New Technique For Decoding People's Thoughts Can Now Be Done From a Distance by fungussa
A hammer can be used to drive in a nail or smash someones skull open
myusernamehere1 t1_itnb10o wrote
Reply to comment by dominus_aranearum in Study finds brain changes associated with ADHD remission. As the brains of those with ADHD mature, some individuals may repetitively engage in strategies that compensate for symptoms. These repetitive behaviors may result in the brain changes seen in those who went into remission. by Wagamaga
With or without rice?
myusernamehere1 t1_it9keye wrote
Reply to comment by ralanr in A.I.-Generated Art Is Already Transforming Creative Work by Gari_305
Its already being done, to a limited extent
myusernamehere1 t1_it9k74n wrote
Reply to comment by NapClub in A.I.-Generated Art Is Already Transforming Creative Work by Gari_305
Lol not yet, but the idea of an AI controlling a paintbrush (think simular to 2 dimensional 3d printing but with a paintbrush/nozel instead) isnt that far out
myusernamehere1 t1_isrgeb8 wrote
Reply to comment by Levainathan in Hair straightening chemicals associated with higher uterine cancer risk by BoundariesAreFun
Its like people forgot that they are supposed to wear sunscreen and how horrible skin cancer is
myusernamehere1 t1_ispw4nx wrote
Reply to comment by esperind in Hair straightening chemicals associated with higher uterine cancer risk by BoundariesAreFun
You still should definitely not knowingly ingest or apply any amount of formaldehyde though
myusernamehere1 t1_iqy6nub wrote
Reply to comment by KypDurron in TIL a German scientist named Alfred Wegener was ridiculed in 1912 for advancing the idea that the continents were adrift. Ridiculed as having “wandering pole plague.” or “Germanic pseudo-science” and accused Wegener of toying with the evidence to spin himself into “a state of auto-intoxication." by Hot----------Dog
Then explain religion lol
myusernamehere1 t1_ivmih1o wrote
Reply to comment by Psych0ticj3ster in Two-headed sharks are sighted more and more and no one knows why. by [deleted]
We know generally why, but not specifically why