
napsdufroid t1_j6nivct wrote

From the Bicycle Coalition of Philadelphia's web site:

Is it OK to ride against traffic?

No, with two exceptions. Bicycles are legal vehicles and, therefore, are required to ride in the same direction as motor vehicles in traffic. Riding against traffic—“contraflow riding,” as it’s called—is only allowed on streets where there is a specific contraflow bike lane, or a two-way bike lane.

Are bicyclists allowed to roll through Stop Signs?

No. All vehicles are required to stop at stop signs. Failure to yield at Stop Signs is potentially dangerous for pedestrians looking to cross the street. So, please stop at Stop signs—and follow all other street signs and markings—including traffic lights, yield signs, and crosswalks.

Can I ride my bike on the sidewalk?

Are you 13 years of age or younger? Then sure, go ahead. Otherwise, you should ride on the street. Riding on the sidewalk is dangerous for pedestrians and drivers won’t expect you in the crosswalk when entering intersections.


napsdufroid t1_j6asp6n wrote

> my ideas are far superior to yours though,

No, they're not., and you're completely delusional to think they are. You're who can't defend your position in any way. You can't even offer a hint of a solution, but you just blabber about how others are wrong and you;re right with nothing to support your nonsense.

And trust me; a whole lot of people don't care about you in any way, shape, or form. All your downvotes in your last argument prove that.


napsdufroid t1_j6ap3n3 wrote

Equal rights that any criminal gets, sure. As for the rest of your nonsense, that's just what it is...nonsense. You know that, too, but you choose to be condescending because that's all you have. The truly laughable part is that you somehow believe you're superior because of your nonsense,which, I assure you, you are not. lol


napsdufroid t1_j6aixo8 wrote

So you really have no solution, or even a suggestion of one, so you give a completely condescending answer that says nothing.. Not surprising in the least.

And, no; they don't get the rights and privileges afforded adults because they committed a violent crime. That makes zero sense. But I think deep down, you know that. They deserve no special treatment. None.

Ans it's not a matter of feeling scared. It's a matter of feeling safer. There's a difference. You know that, too, but it doesn't agree with your agenda.