napsdufroid t1_iywbkf4 wrote
Reply to Helen Gym makes it official and launches a run for Philadelphia mayor on a pledge to address gun violence by Saint_2022
A pledge is just empty words. Why doesn't she outline a plan?
napsdufroid t1_iyuwfaz wrote
Reply to University of Pennsylvania student attacked in Center City; female suspect sought by JBizznass
Unpopular opinion, but considering how ineffective the police are on her situation, she needs to try this shit with the wrong person and get her clock cleaned.
napsdufroid t1_iyfcqes wrote
Reply to comment by Lizzardking666 in Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
Oh, you mean you were only acting like one?
napsdufroid t1_iyexor9 wrote
Second AAA
napsdufroid t1_iyeq226 wrote
Reply to comment by Lorenaelsalulz in Picture I took at Rittenhouse House park. by EXXA132
That might be Housenpark Ritten, an old German colony site....
napsdufroid t1_iyep1eu wrote
Reply to comment by and_another_username in Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
Yeah, a report about a woman being decapitated is definitely the place for jokes.
napsdufroid t1_iyb8yq8 wrote
Reply to comment by Fushinaz in Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
That's because it's not true
napsdufroid t1_iyb8i4w wrote
Reply to comment by Lizzardking666 in Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
Really? Awfully funny that's not mentioned in the church's history on its web site nor is the chief in the church's cemetery index. Try again.
napsdufroid t1_iyb6od3 wrote
Reply to comment by Lizzardking666 in Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
The historic fact is that there was no Chief Rising Sun...the road got its name from the Rising Sun Tavern. Also, Lawncrest itself dates to just before the Civil War. Try again.
napsdufroid t1_iyb3k3n wrote
Reply to comment by Lizzardking666 in Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
Not the post for jokes, dude.
napsdufroid t1_iyb2uaw wrote
Reply to Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
This is seriously disturbing
napsdufroid t1_iyahyc1 wrote
Reply to comment by solipsisticsundays in Kid-friendly restaurants by hclvyj
They serve a purpose...
napsdufroid t1_iy9vlkx wrote
Reply to driving lessons for highway driving by [deleted]
AAA driving school
napsdufroid t1_iy9tc30 wrote
Reply to comment by Frontstunderel in Kid-friendly restaurants by hclvyj
Only putting into words what many are thinking, my dude. No offense intended.
napsdufroid t1_iy9gf7i wrote
Reply to Kid-friendly restaurants by hclvyj
Fridays, Applebees, I hop, Chilis, Friendlys, Olive Garden, etc
napsdufroid t1_iy9fym6 wrote
Reply to comment by CommunicationTime265 in When will it snow in Philadelphia? Experts weigh in by ColdJay64
Right there with ya. It's fun when you're 10. Once you have to shovel it and drive in it it sucks.
napsdufroid t1_iy9fsml wrote
Reply to comment by Away_Swimming_5757 in When will it snow in Philadelphia? Experts weigh in by ColdJay64
Let's hope not
napsdufroid t1_iy9fhcc wrote
Reply to comment by PyroComet in When will it snow in Philadelphia? Experts weigh in by ColdJay64
Try Buffalo
napsdufroid t1_iy9fau9 wrote
Wasn't this posted yesterday?
napsdufroid t1_iy8rldi wrote
Reply to comment by Ragoz in Philadelphia police searching for child taken in stolen vehicle by JBizznass
Don't bother, dude. He just downvotes you and comes up with another totally inappropriate "analogy"
napsdufroid t1_iy8oe8x wrote
Reply to comment by Sage2050 in Philadelphia police searching for child taken in stolen vehicle by JBizznass
Uh...if doing so puts the kid in danger, there's a good chance you;re gonna get charged with negligence or endangerment if it's reported. Seems like you're the one who really wants to "win" here for whatever reason. But hey; stay in your bubble. It apparently makes you happy.
napsdufroid t1_iy8m8wo wrote
Reply to comment by Sage2050 in Philadelphia police searching for child taken in stolen vehicle by JBizznass
"Pennsylvania law makes it illegal for a person to leave a child under the age of six unattended in a motor vehicle that is out of that person's sight and endangers the health, safety, or welfare of a child."
Again, WHY is it illegal in the first place? You keep avoiding that question.
napsdufroid t1_iy8l9df wrote
Reply to comment by Sage2050 in Philadelphia police searching for child taken in stolen vehicle by JBizznass
Then why else would it be illegal? Riddle me that, Batman. You have an interesting sense of logic.
Edit: Try answering instead of downvoting.
napsdufroid t1_iywdk8j wrote
Reply to comment by PatReady in University of Pennsylvania student attacked in Center City; female suspect sought by JBizznass
Droab St?