napsdufroid t1_it3w2cz wrote
Reply to comment by dtcstylez10 in PSA: Free Avocados…. Moldy and brown 🥑 by jk137jk
Apparently farmers had a huge surplus they couldn't sell
napsdufroid t1_it3u88s wrote
Reply to comment by nalgene_wilder in Biden/Fetterman today? by PhillyPanda
WTF are you even talking about, dude?
napsdufroid t1_it1mfpa wrote
Reply to comment by DelcoWolv in Bakery Rec/Question by jorby_
Can verify. Recently had to get 2 basic sheet cakes for a party
napsdufroid t1_it1lfkp wrote
Reply to comment by JawnLegend in just got laid off by slurm_lord
Just don't go at lunchtime
napsdufroid t1_iszr4s6 wrote
napsdufroid t1_is22alo wrote
Reply to South Philly Ferraris by Past_Cartographer230
napsdufroid t1_irm4db1 wrote
If you like shitholes, you'll love it
napsdufroid t1_irk2kmu wrote
Reply to comment by N0R5E in What’re you favorite antiquing spots in Philly? by [deleted]
Their prices sure are
napsdufroid t1_ir6veao wrote
You could try sitting in a Starbucks NOT across from a museum. Seriously, RTM is your place.
napsdufroid t1_ir3d0fa wrote
Reply to Ex-owner of Philly pharmacy that pushed more Oxy than any other U.S. drugstore sentenced to prison by justanawkwardguy
Good news for a change
napsdufroid t1_it3wip5 wrote
Reply to comment by WunkyFinkerbean in Best Occult Bookstore in Philly area? by Waru_
It's now called Harry's World and is far more commercial/new age-y than it originally was. Its selection of books is way smaller now, too.