
napsdufroid t1_j25ib8c wrote

Can honestly say I've rarely had a bad time at any post office except for the very occasional grumpy clerk. A few are long-wait shitshows due partiolly to short staffing, but more so to people who have no clue...they'll walk in holding, say, a jacket and say, "I need to mail this," then have 8 million questions about the different ways it can be shipped, then ask to borrow tape so they can put a box together. Like it never occurred to package it at home before coming in. One woman wasted almost a half-hour wanting to know why she couldn't address a package in Russian. The USPS site is incredibly easy to navigate and answers 98% of any questions someone may have, but apparently many never visit it.


napsdufroid t1_j1qzjsb wrote

That's entirely the owner's greed. I'd argue two things: First, while technically Christmas is a Christian holiday, I believe it's pretty much transcended its religious roots as a generally celebrated holiday. Second,, it doesn't matter what the business is; if you choose to stay open on a holiday or even at weird hours, there will always be people that will find and patronize it. A skateboard repair shop open on Christmas? Somebody will walk in. A framing store open at 4 a.m.? An antiques shop open on Christmas? Same thing.

My personal feeling is that if an owner of a non-essential business wants to stay open on a holiday or at odd hours, that's their right. But I don't believe employees should ever be forced to work in those situations. If enough aren't willing to work or don;t volunteer to, they should close. But don't blame patrons for greedy owners.