nathanfay t1_iwgi32v wrote
Reply to comment by Agent_Angelo_Pappas in Navy, Coast Guard stop ship with 180 tons of Iranian explosive materials by millennium-wisdom
But they're using it for fertilizer! LOTS of fertilizer!
nathanfay t1_ivfgluk wrote
Reply to comment by ghostcatzero in Honda Electric Moped Coming - Step-through electric likely to be announced this year. by speckz
You're drunk
nathanfay t1_isxo9ts wrote
Reply to comment by rdkil in TIL that in an effort to save $43.5, the Canadian Mint mailed the dies of the new $1 coin via a discount courier over using an armored car- which were promptly stolen and have never been found. This would lead to the adoption of the Loonie design as an emergency replacement. by Padgriffin
He was the female assistant that's why
nathanfay t1_is753oh wrote
Reply to comment by ILikeMyGrassBlue in Two unreleased and 'never digitized' NES games are up for auction on eBay by thebelsnickle1991
Of course it was wallstreetbet
nathanfay t1_ixhe59q wrote
Reply to comment by lurkerfromstoneage in Decades of Air Pollution Undermine the Immune System by filosoful
Someone told me one time that "if it's natural it's fine" as if only man could create a substance harmful to the body