I'm curious what you mean by the management not recycling? According to the city any building 6 units and under is eligible for city pick up so each individual unit occupant would be responsible for setting out their own trash/recycling.
I assume you are in a bigger building with private trash pick up. So are you saying that that the management company is paying for private trash pick up but not for recycling pick up?
I'm pretty disenchanted with city recycling. On my block I would say 75% of the time the trash truck takes both the trash and recycling. Hard to not see it as a waste of my time as collection stands now.
nemesisinphilly t1_ixa95qc wrote
Reply to Landlord Retaliating Against Me For Reporting Them To City, Need Lawyer Recommendation by [deleted]
I'm curious what you mean by the management not recycling? According to the city any building 6 units and under is eligible for city pick up so each individual unit occupant would be responsible for setting out their own trash/recycling.
I assume you are in a bigger building with private trash pick up. So are you saying that that the management company is paying for private trash pick up but not for recycling pick up?
I'm pretty disenchanted with city recycling. On my block I would say 75% of the time the trash truck takes both the trash and recycling. Hard to not see it as a waste of my time as collection stands now.