netz_pirat t1_iza9ng7 wrote
Reply to comment by Lure852 in Global energy crisis is turbocharging an "extraordinary" boom in renewable energy so vast it could yet "keep alive the possibility of limiting global warming to 1.5C". by HYPERHERPADERP_
They are doing both, actually.
China has one third of the worldwide solar generation installed, and is increasing the lead.
netz_pirat t1_ixdv38y wrote
Reply to comment by billybaconbaked in Canadian Pacific’s hydrogen-powered locomotive makes first revenue run - Trains by bitfriend6
You introduced iron phosphate. I was always talking about Iron air.
You introduced burning fossil fuels. I was always talking about using excess renewables.
Oh... And I had 2 years physics as part of my bachelor& masters in aerospace engineering.
I am out of this discussion.
netz_pirat t1_ixbrttq wrote
Reply to comment by billybaconbaked in Canadian Pacific’s hydrogen-powered locomotive makes first revenue run - Trains by bitfriend6
Dude...sorry to be so blunt, but you have no clue what you are talking about. If the podcast is as good as you claim (which is possible because I kind of see the points it's trying to make) you didn't really understand it.
Please, as a absolutely bare minimum go on Wikipedia and read up on ammonia synthesis.
While you are there, you can also look up the composition of iron-air battery.
netz_pirat t1_ix9eeki wrote
Reply to comment by billybaconbaked in Canadian Pacific’s hydrogen-powered locomotive makes first revenue run - Trains by bitfriend6
Okay, you're mixing up quite a few things here.
a) None of that explaines why hydrogen is trash
b) even if Lithium will stay the "best" type of battery, for grid storage where space is less of an issue other battery types will come online that are way cheaper and have less enviromental impact. We already have some. (Iron air, Redux flow,...)
c) You are also mixing up energy generation and energy storage. You can't put a nuclear reactor in a motorbike. Also, we won't have enough nuclear fuel, and it's not exactly clean to mine either if we use nuclear for everything.
d) what do you thing Ammonia is? NH3. You want Ammoniak, you need hydrogen first.
e) one important goal has to be to use less energy, so hopefully we'll need less renewables that one would think. We already had summers with negative energy prices in Europe, with more and more Solar panels & wind turbines being installed, thats going to happen more and more.
please please watch less youtube videos.
netz_pirat t1_ix8cubp wrote
Reply to comment by The_Countess in Egypt inked deals on renewable energy, green hydrogen worth $119 bln by Wagamaga
Green hydrogen only makes sense if you scale your generation for winter needs, and therefore have excess in summer that you can't use otherwise.
And it only makes sense for stuff that you can't power otherwise. (ie efuel kerosene for aviation)
netz_pirat t1_ix7t89i wrote
Reply to comment by billybaconbaked in Canadian Pacific’s hydrogen-powered locomotive makes first revenue run - Trains by bitfriend6
So sorry for being ignorant, I only had two years of physics at university.... but what exactly goes against physics?
In my home country, we're expanding renewable energy generation to a point where we have excess energy in Summer to ensure we have enough in Winter. With that, we'll need an energy dump to keep the nets stable, and preferably one that allows us to store energy for other purposes down the road.
While the efficiency of Hydrogen generation from electricity isn't great, it's better than nothing and can be used as a precurser for artificial fuels.
I agree with you that whatever can be powered by electricity directly should be powered directly, but for stuff that cant, hydrogen and derivates are the next best thing we have.
netz_pirat t1_ix7ldsd wrote
Reply to comment by billybaconbaked in Canadian Pacific’s hydrogen-powered locomotive makes first revenue run - Trains by bitfriend6
You are right, but it still is a fuel. Not everything can be run with batteries and extension cords, at least not right now.
netz_pirat t1_ix7l808 wrote
Reply to comment by ScrabCrab in Canadian Pacific’s hydrogen-powered locomotive makes first revenue run - Trains by bitfriend6
Cost. If you've got long rail lines that see one train a day or even month, the cost to electrify that line is huge. Way easier and cheaper to send a hydrogen engine.
netz_pirat t1_ive7sgx wrote
Reply to comment by k20350 in Rooftop solar trumps all fossil fuels as renewables smash more records on main grid [Australia] by EnergyTransitionNews
I doubt it. In Germany started in 2000 with large scale investments in renewables, so there are plenty first-gen solar panels out there. And I haven't heard of major issues. Efficiency goes down over time, yes, but other than that, it seems as unless you drop a mobile crane on the roof, they hold up fairly well.
netz_pirat t1_ive7jlj wrote
Reply to comment by FishMichigan in Rooftop solar trumps all fossil fuels as renewables smash more records on main grid [Australia] by EnergyTransitionNews
Solar on my roof was 1,40€/ watt... And I didn't need any transmission lines on top of that.
netz_pirat t1_iuj5zl2 wrote
Reply to comment by johndeuff in New solar capacity 10 times cheaper than gas, says intelligence company Rystad by EnergyTransitionNews
Not sure where you are located, but typically use during the day, when businesses are operating, people are cooking, washing,... Is higher than during the night.
In addition, in sunny areas the correlation between "it's so hot we need an ac" and "sun's out we get solar power" is not that bad.
netz_pirat t1_iugu10o wrote
Reply to comment by Kinexity in New solar capacity 10 times cheaper than gas, says intelligence company Rystad by EnergyTransitionNews
maybe not all, but an awfull lot. Because thankfully, we tend to use most energy during the day.
netz_pirat t1_iu8eier wrote
Reply to comment by Nononononein in EU bans sale of petrol and diesel cars from 2035 to boost EV uptake by malcolm58
Well, I guess about 7 years until most new cars are electric. 13 until all new cars are electric. I'd say 20 till most cars in Europe are electric. And in 30 years, the only ICE cars are young/oldtimers.
In the same time frame, most gas stations will disappear.
While that's still some time, it's still going to happen within my lifetime...
netz_pirat t1_iu7wha3 wrote
Reply to comment by AzamatBaganatow in EU bans sale of petrol and diesel cars from 2035 to boost EV uptake by malcolm58
You mean, you'll build your own car from scratch and produce your fuel yourself? Because there won't be new gas powered cars at some point, no used ones at a later time, and with demand going down, gas stations will disappear as well...
netz_pirat t1_isbkr88 wrote
Reply to comment by Inigogoboots in Rooftop wind energy innovation claims 50% more energy than solar at same cost by ObtainSustainability
They claim as much power as 16 solar panels, I'd assume that's about 4.5kwp.
Even if it would be half of that, I'd be interested, not as a replacement for my solar roof, but as an addon. Might be enough to cover the remaining demand that solar can't cover for us.
netz_pirat t1_is9ulml wrote
Reply to comment by Kevin_Jim in Solar silicon manufacturing about doubling from 2022 into 2023 - predicted to lead to another cycle of oversupply driving solar panel pricing down by ForHidingSquirrels
That's why Germany is phasing out both nuclear and coal, yes.
netz_pirat t1_is9j5me wrote
Reply to comment by Kevin_Jim in Solar silicon manufacturing about doubling from 2022 into 2023 - predicted to lead to another cycle of oversupply driving solar panel pricing down by ForHidingSquirrels
You only have the added cost if you actually store it.
If you usually run on coal all day, but now cover daytime with solar, you only burn half as much coal as you did before. If the weather is shitty, you are back to coal, but that's still better than burning it all the time.
Yeah, storage is a big issue for the future, but right now, in most areas, we're not at a point yet where we really need it.
netz_pirat t1_is9hxu5 wrote
Reply to comment by mango-vitc in Solar silicon manufacturing about doubling from 2022 into 2023 - predicted to lead to another cycle of oversupply driving solar panel pricing down by ForHidingSquirrels
Efficiency doesn't matter that much, if the energy source is the sun.
In the end, it's the kwh/€ that matter.
netz_pirat t1_irv9ngd wrote
Reply to comment by ISpikInglisVeriBest in Solar Rollout Rouses Resistance in Europe’s Countryside: Regulations meant to protect green space block the installation of solar panels despite soaring energy prices by CannoliIntoPussy
No it's not. For grid level stora, there are plenty of options without lithium. Redox flow, or iron/air comes to mind.
Also, if we cover daytime use with solar, we've already covered quite a big chunk of our energy useage.
netz_pirat t1_irv2m1h wrote
Reply to comment by Tacky-Terangreal in Solar Rollout Rouses Resistance in Europe’s Countryside: Regulations meant to protect green space block the installation of solar panels despite soaring energy prices by CannoliIntoPussy
Solar panels made out of lithium?
Yeah, sure.
netz_pirat t1_iruzfy2 wrote
Reply to comment by Hot-Praline7204 in NASA invents ‘incredible’ battery for electric planes by HaikuKnives
It's tech, we rarely have revolutions, we usually have evolution.
All those breakthroughs will help battery tech getting better, one step at a time.
netz_pirat t1_j0cmg6o wrote
Reply to comment by saltyhasp in Nuclear fusion breakthrough: A physicist answers three vital questions by FarmhouseFan
as far as I know, ITER has the goal to crack the next order of Magnitude, a Q>10
First Plasma expected in EO 2025... we'll see.