newworldman1070 t1_j21f6sx wrote
Reply to comment by Special-Ingenuity615 in Piles of road salt where maintenance trucks idle are appearing everywhere. Question on reduction of waste. by snuffy_tentpeg
We can’t see the lines on the road either, because they were covered in 6 inches of snow that got compacted down to a sheet of ice and maybe given a sprinkle of sand at some point.
newworldman1070 t1_j1zyflf wrote
Reply to comment by snuffy_tentpeg in Piles of road salt where maintenance trucks idle are appearing everywhere. Question on reduction of waste. by snuffy_tentpeg
Lucky you. All we get is sand.
newworldman1070 t1_j1zpcev wrote
Reply to Piles of road salt where maintenance trucks idle are appearing everywhere. Question on reduction of waste. by snuffy_tentpeg
Penndot uses salt where you live?
Our roads here in the northern tier looked like they hadn’t been touched at all on Christmas Day, but it hadn’t snowed since Friday.
newworldman1070 t1_j1ue9vg wrote
Reply to comment by karmekanic in The Appalachian trail, and the bunkers. Crazy PA stuff too by xWhiteRYNOx
I don’t like how the AT misses most of scenic PA.
newworldman1070 t1_j1sfosl wrote
Reply to comment by Junior_Maintenance_4 in Is there any difference in reputation between the PASSHE colleges? by [deleted]
58,000 people in a city isn’t exactly what I would call rural.
newworldman1070 t1_j1s9k8x wrote
Reply to comment by ACoinGuy in Is there any difference in reputation between the PASSHE colleges? by [deleted]
Reddit thinks that anything outside center city Philadelphia or Pittsburgh is rural.
newworldman1070 t1_j1qxbyg wrote
Reply to comment by 0gv0n in Is there any difference in reputation between the PASSHE colleges? by [deleted]
You and I must have a very different definition of rural, or you’ve never been to Mansfield or Clarion.
newworldman1070 t1_j1qk8ht wrote
Reply to comment by Middle_Aged_Mayhem in Local Avis veteran plans single-day, 50-mile walk for fellow veterans by greenhousecrtv
It’s a town to the west of Williamsport and east of lock haven.
newworldman1070 t1_j1lucp9 wrote
Reply to comment by Amazing_Rutabaga4049 in Asked to conserve electricity on Christmas eve. What is even going on anymore by CoolHandMike
Little ones are still fast asleep. Barn work has been done, firewood has been brought in, just killing time for the time being.
newworldman1070 t1_j1lu1hf wrote
Reply to comment by Amazing_Rutabaga4049 in Asked to conserve electricity on Christmas eve. What is even going on anymore by CoolHandMike
Interacting with others on Reddit is hardly a necessity. It has nothing to do with making sure my family and I are warm, fed and have shelter.
It’s a time killing luxury, that isn’t needed to survive.
newworldman1070 t1_j1lrrm3 wrote
Reply to comment by karabo29 in Asked to conserve electricity on Christmas eve. What is even going on anymore by CoolHandMike
Too many people rely on others for their every day necessities. No one is prepared for anything.
I have a wood stove, If my house is cold, it’s my fault. No one can come to me and say, “listen, your neighbors didn’t cut enough firewood last year and they are going to run out, please don’t burn as much so they can have some.”
When hearing of the impending storm and high winds, I ran our generator for a bit, refilled our 25 gallons of water jugs for flushing toilets etc, topped off our oil lamps/lanterns and made sure we had plenty of fuel for the generator.
I don’t know when everyone became so helpless.
newworldman1070 t1_j1kaahh wrote
Reply to comment by BeltfedOne in So here I sit in the dark. Wearing flannel-lined jeans and a hoodie. And I get an email from First Energy saying if I don't conserve electricity there may be managed blackouts. WTF? by BeltfedOne
Do you have the ability to put in a wood stove in the future?
It’s a good bit of extra work, but I don’t have anyone dictating how warm my house can be.
newworldman1070 t1_j1fd5xb wrote
Reply to comment by LeatherProposal6 in does anyone know any cool abandoned locations here in PA? by Disastrous-Goat-6687
And you were trespassing.
newworldman1070 t1_j0vdnqn wrote
Reply to comment by JesusOfBeer in Philadelphia Starbucks workers begin 3-day strike - The Politicus by dammand32
I’m not a coffee drinker, but I hear that a lot.
Never been to a Starbucks, I think the closest one is like 2 hours away.
newworldman1070 t1_j0pbo7l wrote
Reply to comment by Im_100percent_human in Winter driving in PA all seasons vs Snow tires. What do you have and why? by RemoteStatement
Most of western NY, outside of a few areas is also very flat.
newworldman1070 t1_j0nvpfh wrote
Reply to Winter driving in PA all seasons vs Snow tires. What do you have and why? by RemoteStatement
I live in northern rural PA. We get a ton of snow and very little winter maintenance as compared to the more populated areas.
I have always run snow tires on all my vehicles and made sure to have them on by Election Day at the latest. All season tires do fine in most conditions, but snow tires really excel in hard packed snowy roads, which i spend a good amount of time driving. The rubber is softer and they have a better grip than the harder all seasons.
I also carry chains for each of our vehicles and have to use them a few times each year.
newworldman1070 t1_j0bfb33 wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Driving from VA to Buffalo on Friday.. Considering the forecast, what route will be best? by Attainted
153 is a terrible road when it snows, especially for someone who isn’t accustomed to driving on twisty mountain roads.
newworldman1070 t1_j0a2o54 wrote
Reply to comment by MailOrderDog in Driving from VA to Buffalo on Friday.. Considering the forecast, what route will be best? by Attainted
NY takes far better care of its roads in the winter compared to PA. We travel into NY a fair bit and I’m always amazed a the difference between the two states. PA is very reluctant to use salt where we’re at, all we get is sand, and no pretreatment.
newworldman1070 t1_j097uby wrote
Reply to Driving from VA to Buffalo on Friday.. Considering the forecast, what route will be best? by Attainted
219 from Ridgway to Bradford can get real fun in the winter time.
I’d take 81 to 15 to Buffalo.
newworldman1070 t1_j06c0o1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Odd request. Looking for public side roads for jeep driving. by AgentNose
If you had to drive 4 hours to play golf, would you?
newworldman1070 t1_j02wau2 wrote
Reply to comment by CharacterBrief9121 in Odd request. Looking for public side roads for jeep driving. by AgentNose
I mean I could, but then I’d be that guy having to drive hours to do his preferred hobbies.
newworldman1070 t1_j02nizp wrote
Reply to comment by AgentNose in Odd request. Looking for public side roads for jeep driving. by AgentNose
We’ll I hope you enjoy it. I was very excited for the Gladiators to come out, as I thought I could get a vehicle that met all my needs. Having the truck bed, off-road capability and it was rumored to have an increased towing capacity over the Wrangler.
However when I went to look at one, I found a truck with a bed too short to be practical, a towing capacity too light to be useful and a jeep with a longer wheelbase and no weight over the rear axle, not ideal for traversing steep, icy roads.
newworldman1070 t1_j02ljfu wrote
Reply to comment by James0nJuiceb0x in Odd request. Looking for public side roads for jeep driving. by AgentNose
I’m not prevent anyone from doing anything. Hell I even gave them a suggestion on where to find a place to ride.
I simply commented that it seems odd to me that people purchase things like Jeeps and ATVs and then have to go out of their way to enjoy them.
Maybe it’s because of how I was raised and farm life that I don’t view things like ATVs and big trucks as toys, but as tools.
newworldman1070 t1_j02khzb wrote
Reply to comment by James0nJuiceb0x in Odd request. Looking for public side roads for jeep driving. by AgentNose
I don’t think that’s a valid comparison. I fish, and I’ve been known to travel a bit to fish a specific lake, but I can also use that gear to fish on lakes only a few minutes down the road.
A better comparison would be this, hypothetically living in North Central PA, my hobby is marlin fishing. I have a 28 foot center console that I have to drive to the outer banks to use. The marlin lures are way to big for anything in this area to eat, and the boat can’t be used as no ramp is large enough to handle it and all the local lakes are electric motors only.
newworldman1070 t1_j21upjd wrote
Reply to comment by Sovereign2142 in 2023 Have bought some kraut and am defrosting the pork. Unless you want to have a horrific year, do the right thing people. Best wishes to all! This community requires title to be at least 50 characters by five_eight
Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning. Jeesh!