nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9rhnbs wrote
Reply to comment by pundstorm in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
I really appreciate this comment. Honestly, thank you so much. I did use an image by an artist called Artyom Gordienko as a reference to make this painting. I did not know the name of the artist who made the original image. I just really liked the image( I found it online and the og artist was not credited) I used it as a reference for this painting. When somebody informed me who the artist was I was happy to credit him. I answered any comments about it explaining the situation.
I really don't like using social media but I know it's a necessary thing to try and get my artwork out there in the world. This was the first thing I've posted in about a year, I chose a painting that isn't really part of my usual practice to get me into the habit of posting. Didn't really think it was gonna get as much attention as this so I thought it would be a good start.
I forgot how much Reddit loves to brigade and be negative. Whoever this Lillian cat anus is has been following me to other posts being negative. I don't really know what else they want from me tbh. I credited the original image as soon as somebody told me. The post I made has loads of cool comments of people telling their stories which I have enjoyed reading. I like the painting I made, it was a nice break from my normal work. Dunno what else they want from me really. Thanks again for sticking up for me and being a voice of reason. It made me feel a bit better.
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9ojkta wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
I wasn't thinking about Edvard Munch at all when I made this painting. I don't know too much of his work beyond the scream but I could probably recognise his style if I saw a painting of his and take a guess it was his work or somebody from a similar time period.
I usually like to use loud colours in my paintings, bright colours, brush strokes and tiny details. So this was a painting I made to take a break from what I was working on.
I didn't know who the original image was made by so it was hard to credit him but now I know so I will credit the og image maker if I ever post again (which I probably won't in fairness). That was my bad though and you live and learn. Everyday is a school day.
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9offsf wrote
Reply to comment by NoBreeches in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
I'm not saying I painted it from memory. I saw the image and liked and saved it. The image was uncredited so I didn't know who the artist was. I needed a break from my normal work and made this painting using it as a reference. Thought it was a cool image. It's hard to credit the original creator when you don't know who made it. Now I know who it is though and will find out how he feels and work from there.
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9o3ywm wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Thanks for sharing that link. I'm not sure where I seen the original photo I used as a reference for this painting. I tried Google lens on the painting but no results showed up.
Now that I know though I have contacted him on Instagram as I can't seem to find any other contact info. Hopefully he doesn't mind me using it as a reference for this painting study but if he does I will remove it from my any of my online posts.
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9mc2vh wrote
Reply to comment by almsfurr in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
The truth is out there..
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9maz1b wrote
Reply to comment by halloween_fan94 in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Thank you!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9m9sog wrote
Reply to comment by blank_slate_000 in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Thanks. But do beware of the calls!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9m9ima wrote
Reply to comment by zemangalho in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
"Shadow people are often accompanied by other coinciding effects such as delirium, paranoia, anxiety, and feelings of impending doom. " No Shit!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9m2zfy wrote
Reply to comment by zemangalho in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
What is dph?
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9m05r9 wrote
Reply to comment by aghilardi in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Thanks bud, appreciate it
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9lzq8d wrote
Reply to comment by nobelpal in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Thank you!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9lmj4w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Thank you so much. If you wanna drop me a message I can send you a link to buy one if you would like!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9lg6r8 wrote
Reply to comment by kotuha in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
I do Enjoy the work of Edvard Munch. It wasn't at the forefront of my mind when I made it but I appreciate the comparison, a lovely compliment to get. Thank you!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9lfmt1 wrote
Reply to comment by psychicowl in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
You gotta keep watching the skies!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9lcg1a wrote
Reply to comment by Lizzle372 in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Not a reference I was expecting but I had a look and you are spot on haha. Unlocked a memory for me. Used to love reading goosebumps in my bed as a kid
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9lc7rm wrote
Reply to comment by choklitmilk in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Couple of chill people. They are just looking to smoke weed and watch netflix. "Take me to your Dealer"
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9kv28d wrote
Reply to comment by DaleCoopersWife in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Thank you!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9ko2p6 wrote
Reply to comment by Dawg_Prime in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Cheers buddy!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9kmgcj wrote
Reply to comment by ga-co in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Awesome. It's for sale if you are interested?
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9klzcq wrote
Reply to comment by getflapjacked in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Thank you!
nialltaggartfineart OP t1_j9rp8hh wrote
Reply to comment by pundstorm in The Uncanny Valley, acrylic on paper, by me 2022 by nialltaggartfineart
Yes that is the sad truth. Haters love to tear down but never create. I truly appreciate your comments. I went to art school too and learned a lot more from practice than I did from tutors. I think people like to see artists as people who have god given talent, when in reality it's just a lot of hard work. One of my favourite artists is Egon Schiele, he studied under Gustav Klimt and while you can see the influence his work is a totally separate thing. I think it's just hard seeing people criticize your work in text. When you read criticism like that in text it is easier to take it to heart but in reality if they were saying it in person it would be so easy to brush it off because you would be able to identify them as absolute fools. It's easy to criticise with Doritos dusted fingers on a keyboard. I will keep sharing my art and I thank you for being voice of reason amongst all the criticism. You are a man who understands what art is about and that means a lot to me. So thank you again.