
nicuramar t1_j9zznrs wrote

> Did he or did he not understand when crafting this legislation that Google would never agree to pay to list a site and as a result would de list sites subject to this legislation?

I’m sure he had considered that possibility. But when communicating politically, things tend to get angled a bit.

> And I’m assuming too much by taking him at his word that he didn’t understand this would happen?

Well, it’s politics :p. But I also don’t agree that he couldn’t be surprised even if he understands the issue.


nicuramar t1_j9r1yjj wrote

> The link between teen girls’ mental health and social media usage is not just correlational, argues an NYU-Stern professor: There is now solid evidence that it is causal. The argument coincides with the European Union banning TikTok from official devices

How are those things related at all? I doubt the E.U. employs many teenage girls.


nicuramar t1_j93jshy wrote

> It’s a bit of a mystery.


> The reason why iodine was used, is that molecules that contain iodine are highly reactive and often powerful antioxidants,

So, it’s not a mystery? Or just not a mystery why it was originally used, but rather how it was retained?