nkyguy1988 t1_jecgpz5 wrote
You recharacterize to traditional, then backdoor convert back to Roth. Also, it is actual income that determines eligibility, not salary rate.
nkyguy1988 t1_jecdity wrote
Reply to Does selling, but not withdrawing, from a Traditional 401k trigger a taxable event and/or penalty? by DrGreenMeme
Trade away all you want. IRAs/401ks, with limited exceptions like owning MLPs, have their tax considerations only when money enters/leaves the account. Reitement accounts also have zero capital gains tax considerations.
nkyguy1988 t1_jec38q1 wrote
Reply to comment by ToothPicker2 in Pre-tax assets messing up my asset allocation percentages.. pls help! by ToothPicker2
That's true, but not when it comes to asset allocation. You get around it by doing the same split in each type.
nkyguy1988 t1_jec1bef wrote
Reply to comment by ToothPicker2 in Pre-tax assets messing up my asset allocation percentages.. pls help! by ToothPicker2
There's literally zero need. You are looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.
nkyguy1988 t1_jebvnq5 wrote
Tax rate is irrelevant. Just look at the dollars in the account and allocate accordingly. Don't overthink it.
nkyguy1988 t1_jeberae wrote
Reply to Roth IRA income limits question by magicray89
Recharacterize it to tradtional contributions. Then do backdoor Roth conversions.
nkyguy1988 t1_jeaq9g7 wrote
Reply to Multiple 401k accounts to protect assets? by corner
401k accounts are not FDIC insured. They aren't bank accounts. Brokerages also aren't covered by FDIC.
nkyguy1988 t1_jean2y9 wrote
Reply to Can I open a Roth IRA account on my own and contribute 6k/year if I enrolled in my employer's Roth 401k? by DarkHorseWizard
IRA means individual. You can open one wherever you want. Limits here don't cross with 401k.
nkyguy1988 t1_jea7map wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Why on earth do I owe money?? by [deleted]
Since I see you mentioned Canada in another post, you will likely get more tailored answers in r/personalfinancecanada
nkyguy1988 t1_jea733y wrote
Reply to Why on earth do I owe money?? by [deleted]
What was your income and how much did you pay in total? Those are the two questions with taxes. They are just a simple math formula. If you owe, it means you didn't have enough withholding done during the year.
nkyguy1988 t1_jea6nmo wrote
If paying interest, pay everything you possibly can.
If not paying interest, then pay the statement balance by the statement due date.
nkyguy1988 t1_je9x6ej wrote
No, you can't appear to give someone money while not giving them money. Unless you want to intentionally write a bad check which is check fraud.
nkyguy1988 t1_je9uzo2 wrote
Welcome to how paying compound interest works.
nkyguy1988 t1_je9r9gz wrote
Reply to Question about maxing out Roth IRA by [deleted]
If you have the money, do it now. The whole time in market thing.
nkyguy1988 t1_je8lhso wrote
Reply to Why are we encouraged to charge everything to a credit card but get penalized for high credit utilization? by New-Row7111
Utilization resets monthly and has no tracking. It's pointless to worry about month to month, so use it if you want. If you do have a need for credit inquiries, make a couple extra payments and keep the utilization low when it gets reported for that month. Manipulation of utilization is easy.
nkyguy1988 t1_je8co5r wrote
Reply to comment by NaoMaoi in Wanting to trade in current car for something cheaper. How does this work? by NaoMaoi
Also keep in mind that unless you are buying a new model with manufacturer incentive financing, you will not find a 3.4% rate. In fact, short of having that promo, a good car rate is about 6%, maybe 5.x% if you look hard enough.
nkyguy1988 t1_je8c2ah wrote
Reply to comment by NaoMaoi in Wanting to trade in current car for something cheaper. How does this work? by NaoMaoi
Assuming you take their deals they will pay off the financing and that leaves you with about 7k for a down payment on something else.
nkyguy1988 t1_je8btf6 wrote
Trading a car in is effectively selling to a dealer. How much is the truck worth today? Keep in mind you don't trade in at retail.
nkyguy1988 t1_je8464v wrote
Reply to comment by ummagumma20 in Best suggestions on how to pay off a LOC by [deleted]
So 2 years and you are back to where you were with a paid off LOC today. Plus you still have the option to tap the LOC if absolutely needed while saving on the interest paid. I'd pay it off.
nkyguy1988 t1_je7z88l wrote
Reply to Best suggestions on how to pay off a LOC by [deleted]
So you have 190k outside of retirement accounts and an otherwise paid off house? If you paid the LOC today and paid yourself, how fast could you replenish? Even then, the LOC interest is higher than any savings interest. I'd still pay it off with that.
nkyguy1988 t1_je33sj7 wrote
Reply to Missed 2 months of credit card payments due to my own dumb error. What can I do? by Left_Kaleidoscope_38
Don't miss any more payments, take your medicine, and wait.
nkyguy1988 t1_je31jhu wrote
Reply to Deferred Interest Credit Card by JungleCrab
You still have a minimum monthly payment. That is standard. Whether or not those payments will pay it off in full is up to how the minimum is structured. A balloon payment at the end may be needed
nkyguy1988 t1_jaf1rl7 wrote
IANAL but I'm almost certain beyond a doubt that they legally can't force you to use any financing from them. What if you wanted to pay cash?
They can require their financing for promo rates, etc, but a blanket no outside financing is questionable at best.
nkyguy1988 t1_jaf0ktv wrote
So? I'm pumping up contributions. Wealth is made coming out of recessions. By thing unequivocally turn, you are late.
nkyguy1988 t1_jecpshx wrote
Reply to Why would I pay more than 20% when withdrawing from a 457? Am I gonna be screwed for early withdraw? by Overthinkingopal
The 20% is just the prepayment withholding. What you owe will be based on your income tax rate. Why do you think you won't pay the tax rate plus the 10% penalty?