nkyguy1988 t1_jade1j1 wrote
Reply to Which loan to pay off first? by [deleted]
Highest rate first.
Dave only says that so people can see material progress and play mental games to win. Unless you want/need that, the best route is highest interest first.
nkyguy1988 t1_jaculkt wrote
Yes your insurance can drop you.
For 2.5k, by time you pay the deductible and increased premiums, you will almost surely be better served by self paying.
nkyguy1988 t1_jabbrpl wrote
Reply to comment by OneEyedFox in Approved For A Loan I No Longer Need by OneEyedFox
If you have the cash just pay them off and forget the loan.
nkyguy1988 t1_jabb9b3 wrote
Reply to comment by OneEyedFox in Approved For A Loan I No Longer Need by OneEyedFox
It would save you some interest. I would still it off early as if it were a credit card though.
nkyguy1988 t1_jab812q wrote
Reply to Approved For A Loan I No Longer Need by OneEyedFox
In 2, are you paying interest on that? How do the rates compare?
Only do 1, or possibly 2 depending on above.
nkyguy1988 t1_jab6g56 wrote
Reply to Healthequity is horrible.... by bonoZaa
As long as they use health equity, you will have to keep that account open. You can open an HSA elsewhere and do transfers over. You want you contributions to go to health equity initially to get the full tax benefit. Then periodically make transfers. Just be aware of fees to do so.
nkyguy1988 t1_ja9zxl6 wrote
Reply to Best strategy to handle credit card debt? by jrhodes4797
If you have enough cash to cover 180 in interest income at around 4% to balance the probable 20+% the CC is growing at, then you have more than enough to pay it off today. So do that.
nkyguy1988 t1_ja9trvu wrote
Are you sure that's the principal amount and not a total cost of financing? Those would be different things.
nkyguy1988 t1_ja1fuwb wrote
If they all track the same index, they should all be virtually the same. High liquidity/volume and low expenses are best.
nkyguy1988 t1_j9w5rsc wrote
Starting a business is more than filing an LLC and paperwork. Especially something in bio med. Lawyers are also expensive.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6p8n1l wrote
Reply to Options to reduce monthly minimums? by TimeForBagel
Reduce your balance, but since you are asking about this, then that's not feasible obviously. All you can do is ask them, but since the minimums are done by a predetermined formula, it's highly unlikely. You are better off asking for a reduced rate. At least that will slow the bleeding a bit.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6p8772 wrote
Reply to Why did Edward Jones make me jump through hoops every time I needed to take money out of my savings but now being at Fidelity they didn't give me any issues? by palinsafterbirth
Because EJ cares about their assets under management and when you withdraw, they show less money. Fidelity doesn't care as much and wants to help their customers they way want to be helped first.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6p7e9f wrote
That's because the fund hasn't priced today. Mutual funds only get a price update once daily, a few hours after market close.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6p50ea wrote
You want to pay your down payment first. So in your example, 15k car and add 5k down payment for loan of 10k. In the other example you will still reduce your principal to 10k, however your monthly payment amount will stay the same as a 15k loan, increasing your monthly obligation.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6ofbzb wrote
Reply to Borrowing from Other Categories by thmsra
You budget is whatever you make it. As long as it's dollar for dollar, it doesn't really matter.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6o2saw wrote
Unless it reports to FICO scores, it doesn't matter. For all real world applications, credit karma is a "fake" credit score. Nobody uses Vantage score which is the underlying model.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6n9jkm wrote
Reply to HSA Rollover to healthequity help! by Ronaldo0720
Did you tell them the money is for a 60 day rollover? If it's a transfer, as you know it's not payable correctly. Doing a 60 day rollover shouldn't be an issue.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6lli0c wrote
You should start with the prime directive in the wiki or auto linked below.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6l8cuc wrote
Reply to comment by lalaba0987 in Do I need to report a deposit of over $10,000 from personal loan and when I withdraw the money too? by lalaba0987
If traveling you will get into travel declaration requirements with customs. I'd look for alternatives besides traveling with large amounts of cash.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6l7pmo wrote
Reply to comment by lalaba0987 in Do I need to report a deposit of over $10,000 from personal loan and when I withdraw the money too? by lalaba0987
Bank is required to do the reporting for you.
Why do you need to move that much currency? Get a check or bank check.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6l7djw wrote
Reply to Do I need to report a deposit of over $10,000 from personal loan and when I withdraw the money too? by lalaba0987
You talking cash dollar bills?
nkyguy1988 t1_j6k8xe9 wrote
It makes no sense to me, and I'll never understand your logic on refunds. It's my money so I want as much of it to invest on my terms as soon as possible. I would also invest it things that actually have a long term return and not other cash instruments.
nkyguy1988 t1_j6j1nv2 wrote
Reply to Graduating college but not much money in savings & I lived with parents. How much money should a college grad have saved? by Cute_Construction928
Most college grads are negative, so just being positive is a win
nkyguy1988 t1_j6h0zqn wrote
Reply to comment by badabingbadaboomie in why was my high yield savings account not approved? by badabingbadaboomie
Doubtful. That's just more for bank know your customer laws. Probably due to public records mismatch, such as address, etc.
nkyguy1988 t1_jae72ko wrote
Reply to Question about bond rates by rwaterbender
Unless it's stated otherwise, yields and rates are annualized.