nova9001 t1_ittxa5k wrote
Reply to comment by c_m_33 in China's Sinopec makes major shale gas discovery by [deleted]
>First of all, it's 5,000 feet below ground. To get a hold of it requires pumping hydraulic fracturing (fracking) fluids, which could contain hazardous chemicals, into the ground along with water and sand at high pressures. The result is "a super-salty brine, prone to bacterial growth, and potentially contaminated with heavy metals," the National Geographic wrote in its series on shale gas.
Furthermore, the large amount of water needed to drill for shale can affect water availability for other uses, potentially impacting aquatic habitats. As a byproduct, fracking produces millions of gallons of wastewater. The amount can inundate under-equipped treatment plants. In the past, improperly treated wastewater has been found discharged into river basins, polluting the surrounding environment. The potential also exists for fracking fluids to seep into aquifers if a well casing fails, posing a risk to ground water supplies.
The negatives don't end there. Drilling can disrupt lives, including heightened noise levels aided by the transportation of materials, construction of facilities and drilling process itself; deterioration of air quality with the rise of diesel fumes; and implications of potentially destroying communities' access to clean water, including additional costs and efforts to transport and store water sourced from elsewhere.
You can't avoid the negatives with shale gas mining.
nova9001 t1_irvmw62 wrote
Reply to comment by IcyChard4 in Oz Apple Store staff vote to strike for better pay, settled rosters, clean shirts by Sorin61
I am not too concern on worth because its base on share price. That fluctuates. Profits though are real and I think they are one of the most profitable companies in the world.
nova9001 t1_irv9j1p wrote
Reply to comment by Choc-TimTam-Filling in Oz Apple Store staff vote to strike for better pay, settled rosters, clean shirts by Sorin61
Thought it was obvious enough that /s wasn't needed.
nova9001 t1_irv02on wrote
Reply to Oz Apple Store staff vote to strike for better pay, settled rosters, clean shirts by Sorin61
>In Apple's most recently reported full financial year, FY21, the company earned $365.8 billion in revenue and net income of $94.7 billion
How is Apple suppose to stay profitable if they have to pay a living wage?
nova9001 t1_irubdcy wrote
>“I want them to be respectful to us. They should not do whatever they want to do or only think about getting their ratings.”
Respect only works if they see you as equals. Clearly these Western journalist don't.
>The network said its team entered the building to “gain a fuller impression of what transpired inside and to humanise the scale of the tragedy”.
Really impressed by CNN's English mastery that they can word the fuck up to the point where it sounded like they did nothing wrong.
nova9001 t1_ir41wxm wrote
Reply to Nvidia RTX 3060 Begins its Reign as the Most Popular GPU | Combined desktop and laptop puts the 3060 at the top of the Steam charts by chrisdh79
Got mine for like $300. Happy with the upgrade from my 1060.
nova9001 t1_ittxdv8 wrote
Reply to comment by sudodeadbeef420 in China's Sinopec makes major shale gas discovery by [deleted]
Shale gas cost way more to extract then the oil in ME. ME oil is generally the cheapest to extract because they contain the least impurities.
There's America is importing oil instead of extracting their own shale gas reserves. Just cheaper to import.