nowhereman1223 t1_ixi3kz2 wrote
Reply to comment by garygnu in Giving ambulances, fire trucks priority at traffic lights could cut their travel times, Winnipeg study says by Mutte_Haede
How is it not realistic to have them move over?
Also.. do you really think Winnipeg has 30+ cars sitting at any one stop light at any time? let alone all on the same side?
nowhereman1223 t1_ixi24s8 wrote
Reply to comment by Darkassassin07 in Giving ambulances, fire trucks priority at traffic lights could cut their travel times, Winnipeg study says by Mutte_Haede
Pretty sure if you can't be reasonably aware of what is going on around you (including behind you) then you should not be driving.
No they shouldn't be "instantly" aware. But if you are operating a 2+ton blunt weapon you should know what is around you.
nowhereman1223 t1_ixi1wbo wrote
Reply to comment by Alarming_Orchid in Giving ambulances, fire trucks priority at traffic lights could cut their travel times, Winnipeg study says by Mutte_Haede
Try reading the article.
It involves updates to the light systems so emergency vehicles get green lights.
nowhereman1223 t1_ixhpt5i wrote
Reply to Giving ambulances, fire trucks priority at traffic lights could cut their travel times, Winnipeg study says by Mutte_Haede
They already have a priority.
Its called flashing lights and sirens.
MOVE THE F*&& OVER for emergency vehicles.
I bet people moving over would reduce the travel times even more. Pay for this kind of upgrade by installing dash cams in all emergency vehicles and fining EVERY SINGLE vehicle that doesn't move over soon enough. If the camera clearly gets your plate and you are the car directly in front of the emergency vehicle.... here's your fine.
nowhereman1223 t1_ixhphdk wrote
Reply to comment by turtle_eating in Giving ambulances, fire trucks priority at traffic lights could cut their travel times, Winnipeg study says by Mutte_Haede
It's expensive to upgrade traffic light systems to flip to green in the direction emergency vehicles are traveling. Most upgrades come with annual costs like the one here that would be just shy of a million a year.
nowhereman1223 t1_iwvj8gv wrote
Reply to When people hear 'priceless' they usually image the item to be expensive, when the truth is usually the opposite by ambles04
Priceless is almost always used for things that are irreplaceable and thus have an extremely high value (monetary or otherwise).
nowhereman1223 t1_iwl33j0 wrote
Reply to If Ticketmaster was a bartender by Andosphere
Nah, the markup here was too low.
Don't forget Ticketmaster not only bought all the beer, they also bought the bar under a different name (live nation).
They also forgot to add in the option to immediately resell that beer to someone else in the bar without ever touching it yourself.
nowhereman1223 t1_ivkc0lh wrote
Reply to comment by grammarGuy69 in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Until the system as a whole is revamped, (which write in votes for random person 1 or Bigfoot wont do) voters need to choose a viable available candidate, otherwise its a wasted vote.
nowhereman1223 t1_ivk8kys wrote
Reply to Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
I find it hilarious and disturbing that a large volume of people (but not large enough to do anything) put in ridiculous write ins or don't vote for one of the possible candidates at all.
If someone couldn't be bothered to sign up to be an official candidate, they don't deserve your vote and have 0 chance of winning in a major race with others on the ballot.
We are currently in a 2 party system. Research the choices and pick one.
nowhereman1223 t1_iuo834f wrote
Reply to comment by n4ppyn4ppy in US internet speeds have increased by 18% by FotoGrapher19
Our speeds are crap.
The government mandated High Speed internet be made available to the full country.
The ISPs decided to lobby and get High Speed internet redefined to cover janky DSLs theoretical maximum instead of improving the network.
Once they did that they promised to get those speeds to everyone.
Last time it was fully reported on I think the ISPs had only covered 70% of the US with the new lower speed high speed internet. That is when they tried to get things redefined again to avoid updating infrastructure in rural areas.
It hurts me to the core, they get govt subsidies to provide High Speed internet to rural areas. Then instead of using that money to provide the internet speeds, they pocket it.
nowhereman1223 t1_iuo5s7h wrote
Reply to comment by icefire555 in US internet speeds have increased by 18% by FotoGrapher19
Symmetrical just doesn't work on a network designed in the 70s 80s 90s for download/sending stuff to people. Aka cable service.
The upload portion of the Cable network was only ever designed to track channels, accept PPV, and phone home for errors.
It has been adapted and updated to get better but we are pushing the limits of what the current infrastructure (for cable/coax) can handle.
Fiber is totally different and good to go for serious speeds. I wish there was a lot more fiber around. I don't need 2Gbps down, Id settle for 500Mbps/500Mbps.
nowhereman1223 t1_iunrnq0 wrote
That middle of the country though.
Woof. Those DSL speeds are still complete crap.
nowhereman1223 t1_iuav32g wrote
Reply to comment by DeerFlyHater in Manchester felon gets nearly 3 years in prison after posting videos of himself holding handgun by Peeeculiar
Insurance is cheap. They keep it cheap by having you sign that nothing that could damage other stuff is being stored. And by having you sign that it is all at your own risk.
Heck you don’t even need commercial property. I know people that had a chunk of land in their back yard. They built the storage facility, had that chunk re-zoned, and BAM, they have a storage facility. Heck they get to write off their house as a business expense because they sell that someone is on site 24/7.
nowhereman1223 t1_iu9jwtm wrote
Reply to comment by BowTiedAgorist in Manchester felon gets nearly 3 years in prison after posting videos of himself holding handgun by Peeeculiar
I agree to an extent.
If they were convicted of using a firearm in a crime (even unloaded, not fired, etc) I don’t believe they should get that right back. Convicted of non-violent crime WITHOUT a firearm present? yeah, give them that right back. They have enough trouble as it is. Let them hunt. It’s gonna be hard enough to find work, don’t make feeding yourself a crime (I know most aren’t doing it to hunt but still its a crime for them too).
The right to vote however; should absolutely come back after they have fully served their sentence (parole, probation, etc).
nowhereman1223 t1_iu9jcg2 wrote
Reply to comment by smartest_kobold in Manchester felon gets nearly 3 years in prison after posting videos of himself holding handgun by Peeeculiar
Storage facilities. That’s where it’s at.
Charge people massive money to store their stuff. Then when they forget or decide they don’t want to pay anymore after doing it for 2-10 years; sell the stuff to someone else. Then charge them a higher rate to store it short term and get rid of it. Then repeat.
nowhereman1223 t1_iu8pd49 wrote
Reply to Manchester felon gets nearly 3 years in prison after posting videos of himself holding handgun by Peeeculiar
Good. This is what we need more of. Enforcement of current laws.
Also, how stupid do you have to be to post photos and videos of a pretty major criminal act? He had to understand just holding a firearm as a felon is a crime; right?
nowhereman1223 t1_itla8lx wrote
Reply to Has anyone noticed a rapid influx of random Instagram accounts commenting on NH photos along the lines of “promote it on NewHampshire_promotionalblahblahblah” lately? by Ozzya-k-aLethalGlide
I have seen this kind of fake account stuff going rampant across most platforms these days.
With Meta pushing for people to have multiple accounts now and making it easier to do that; its no wonder there are more showing up on their platforms. I have a feeling they are related to some political stuff and will flip to the political gibberish quickly once they have enough band follow-backs. That will give them a platform to post crap and by the time they are caught their rhetoric is already out and its too late.
I don't have any specific information to help just that this happened in past elections too.
nowhereman1223 t1_it5j1nk wrote
Reply to comment by waffleking9000 in TIFU by asking my friend out and destroying our chance of being together. by IAMSRK07
Yeah. Apparently it has been twisted into an insult now.
nowhereman1223 t1_it4uuwj wrote
Reply to comment by lavishlad in TIFU by asking my friend out and destroying our chance of being together. by IAMSRK07
You are blaming someone for not giving an answer in a direct enough way for you or someone else to accept as the answer.
Just take a No as a No. “Nah, not tonight” with no offer for a different time is a No. “Nah, not tonight, but next Wednesday works” is a yes for next Wednesday.
It’s not that difficult. But saying anything at all that blames someone for not yelling No at the pest is a problem.
nowhereman1223 t1_it4s155 wrote
Reply to comment by lavishlad in TIFU by asking my friend out and destroying our chance of being together. by IAMSRK07
So you say it’s her fault he pestered her and insulted her for months?
This is a great example of seriously problematic thinking. I suppose dressing nice and dancing is an invite to have sex? Or agreeing to a coffee means they are dating you?
Come on. Get your head on straight and understand people aren’t always direct.
nowhereman1223 t1_it4rjs3 wrote
Reply to comment by Mysconduct in TIFU by asking my friend out and destroying our chance of being together. by IAMSRK07
Apparently I’m aging myself here, but I never knew “Nice Guy” was a bad thing and an insult.
I’ve always seen it as the person that does the right thing to their own detriment and typically end up alone. “Nice guys finish last” and all that.
nowhereman1223 t1_it4r8gl wrote
Reply to comment by IAMSRK07 in TIFU by asking my friend out and destroying our chance of being together. by IAMSRK07
How else could it be interpreted?
nowhereman1223 t1_it4098n wrote
Nothing you have done here says “nice guy”.
Respect the boundaries. Be a friend and move on.
If you are lucky and become an actual nice guy you might get a second chance.
nowhereman1223 t1_ir9ym1d wrote
Reply to comment by bastardosybastitdos in Bomb threats, credit card fraud: state rep Stacie-Marie Laughton of Nashua by Final_Act6703
"Members of Congress are eligible for a pension at the age of 62 if they have completed at least five years of service. Members are eligible for a pension at age 50 if they have completed 20 years of service, or at any age after completing 25 years of service. The amount of the pension depends on years of service and the average of the highest three years of salary. By law, the starting amount of a member's retirement annuity may not exceed 80 percent of his or her final salary"
Get yourself in office for 1 term as a senator or 2.5 terms as house of reps member and that's a decent deal.
Work for 5 years and get at least $150,000+ per year for life starting at 62?
Sounds pretty good to me.
Dont forget that they also get the Gold Level Package provided by the Affordable Care Act. They pay 28% of the premiums with the government/taxpayers covering the other 72%. Also a pretty good deal. So not a Cash cow, but also not a bad gig.
nowhereman1223 t1_ixi6m5o wrote
Reply to comment by Darkassassin07 in Giving ambulances, fire trucks priority at traffic lights could cut their travel times, Winnipeg study says by Mutte_Haede
>My point is just because you've turned your lights and sirens on, doesn't mean you can drive however you like and expect everyone to be aware and out of your way immediately. It takes a short while for people to recognize your presence, and longer still for them to think through what exactly to do about it and perform that action. We don't live in a world of robots. People take time to react to change.
Who said they would flip the lights on at the last minute and mash the throttle?
I'm referring to an emergency vehicle coming up to the intersection with the lights and siren on.
And yes people can be expected to see and react to this within 10-30 seconds. If they can't then they should not be driving as the damage they could do in 10-30 seconds is incredible.