
nowhereman1223 t1_j3z4k95 wrote

While I agree the current system is broken and should be fixed.

Consumers KNOW ITS BROKEN and need to be responsible. Now if they pulled something like Dufy did and straight up violated what they said they were doing and what the TOS said, yup, I'm with you.

But if they only followed what people agreed to, IN A BETA TRIAL, sorry but they should have read it before signing on.


nowhereman1223 t1_j28pz5d wrote

The prices on the Price Is Right have always been completely different than what you find at your local store. They pick specific odd sizes and items to make it difficult.

After they got cleaned out by a couple that figured out where the prices came from and got everything.


I would argue that the Price Is Right is the same level of difficulty or maybe even easier now with inflation as people may finally guess prices high enough to be close.


I haven't gone down any Price Is Right rabbit holes in my life. Not once, not ever. ;)


nowhereman1223 t1_j0vb8z1 wrote


Sununu does a press conference... New candidate holds one as well and says what he/she/they would do the same or differently.

then repeat this.

If people are calling for Sununu to speak about something.... and he won't? The new candidate needs to get out there and speak about it. Give their opinion. Then call out Sununu for his take.


But anyone that tries that would get destroyed by the good ol boys club that is the machine that Sununu is part of. I still think they should try to do it.


nowhereman1223 t1_j0uy3cv wrote

You can call it a midterm, but it was still the time the Governor was elected.

The Democrats have said this for a few years and still lose out because NH is purple and has too many people that vote on name recognition and not policies. Which is why Sununu keeps winning. That name will keep him in office for a very long time.

Its sad but true.


He doesn't have to budge on that until it is federally legal.


nowhereman1223 t1_j07965p wrote

the Mad Max game from a few years ago. Too much repetition.

GTAV as it is just too filled with BS and as many ways as possible to get money out of you.

COD & Battlefield games. I loved campaigns and both have lost their way on those and prioritize getting more money from you as opposed to providing a solid single player game.

Destiny 2. Destiny 1 was fantastic and while it was a bit grindy at least it was rewarding and fun. Destiny 2 went too far the other way and pushed too hard on micro transactions. Now I see all the other crap they are pulling and I am glad I left.


nowhereman1223 t1_j03f7by wrote

Reply to comment by beerovios in Best living room console? by beerovios

Once you hack it you can't play any modern games as they ALL require internet connectivity and all the hacks I know of brick/ban internet connection for them.


RetroPie is super easy to set up, but the Pi is a hot commodity right now.


nowhereman1223 t1_j0221tv wrote

You could set up a raspberry pi with RetroPie.

Sadly nothing is inexpensive these days.

I believe the Nintendo switch has a price low enough now that even building a retro pie or getting a non-junk android game box becomes almost a waste of money.

What does an Xbox Series S go for?

You could also grab some old micro business pc cast off and load one of the many linux flavors for emulation. Then grab a few controllers and you're good.

But again the costs start getting close to an official console... I guess the big question is what is your budget?


nowhereman1223 t1_iyebyvn wrote

Same thing here.

Each time I replace a light switch, outlet, or light; I figure out what it is connected to, document it and make sure everything on that section is wired correctly.

2 years in and I almost have all the switches and outlets wired correctly. Then its the rearrange of the panel.

Then its the hire someone to add a sub panel for the outside outlets I don't have currently.


nowhereman1223 t1_iye6g8z wrote

I turn every breaker with a wire going somewhere I don't know Off.

I usually find out within a week what it was.


#16 actually makes sense as the put all the GFCI stuff on 1 breaker. Likely thought that is what they had to do instead of realizing everything after the first GFCI plug gets some protection from the first one.


I need to make a list just like this for my house and then get it all rearranged and balanced in the panel.


nowhereman1223 t1_iyd77i1 wrote

I'd argue the TYFU was when you hid information about finances. Or felt the need to do that. Typically that means something is wrong somewhere else.


Also how would moving the account over show the other party all the information on your personal account's transactions?

when you sign in you should only be able to see information for accounts you have access to/are owner of. Do you see your partner's personal account?

If you do then those aren't personal accounts, they are either joint, or have written authorization to disclose the information to the other party.


nowhereman1223 t1_iy9sgol wrote

I miss some of my tech from back then.

Early MP3 players, Discmans with clear on/off buttons and music that you owned and only vanished if you forgot the CD in your friend's stereo?

Video games with full hours long campaigns?

Video games that don't require 4 hour downloads on day 1?

Video games that don't vanish because the developer decided they don't want it on some online store anymore?

Movies that are there once you buy them and don't vanish (physical media) because some new company bought the copyright?


Computers with TURBO buttons?

Modem sounds?

come on, the 2000s were amazing.


nowhereman1223 t1_iy7ywf3 wrote

That means the light system where you live has that built in from the beginning.

If it wasn't built in or the town has a fully networked Traffic Management System (which most cities do) you have to get the integration from the company that provides your traffic lights or something compatible with them OR get a whole new system.


nowhereman1223 t1_ixi968c wrote

It is going in circles because your arguments don't make sense and stem from the premise that Drivers don't need to pay attention because they can't and Emergency vehicles flip lights on and mash the throttle once they reach an intersection.

Both are wrong.


nowhereman1223 t1_ixi6zgh wrote

>Cars are closer together when they stop than when they’re moving. There might not be room to move over.

Well that is the problem then.

You should always leave room to move over. Being too close is how grid lock happens when one car has an issue and becomes immobile.

But the car in front moves forward and to the shoulder a bit and everyone else does the same.
