numba1cyberwarrior t1_ivecax9 wrote
Reply to comment by azspeedbullet in Put some signs to discourage heavy gas mopeds on the bridges and protected bike lanes by CroustiBat
I dont think its safe for many scooters to not be on the bike lane
numba1cyberwarrior t1_iulz30t wrote
Reply to comment by PiffityPoffity in Employers that have four or more employees in NYC are legally required to share salary ranges for job listings. by [deleted]
I know but OP was saying they would mix the salaries from different locations.
numba1cyberwarrior t1_iulyfnu wrote
Reply to comment by danram207 in Employers that have four or more employees in NYC are legally required to share salary ranges for job listings. by [deleted]
>Recruiter here. My company explained today why this will happen. If we have an open Analyst position that can operate out of our Atlanta and New York offices, and the pay range for Atlanta is 60 to 75k, and for NYC, it's 85k to 100k, our job posting is going to list the pay range as 60 to 100k.
Whenever I see job postings that include multiple states and Colorado though it always specifically mentions the Colorado salary
numba1cyberwarrior t1_iswwvax wrote
Reply to comment by tonymmorley in Weaponized Robots Letter Calls for Policy, Tech Fixes Manufacturers’ initiative pledges no militarized robots for nonmilitary purposes by tonymmorley
No because these are strategic level weapons where a single one of them can cause mass destruction. Thus countries try to prevent each other from getting them.
If tomorrow the US told the world that you cant make drones everyone would give them a middle finger. Its like saying you cant make guns, cant make jets, or cant make tanks.
numba1cyberwarrior t1_iswvncn wrote
Reply to comment by Mecha-Dave in Killer drones vie for supremacy over Ukraine by V2O5
Those types of defenses are extremely expensive compared to the cost of these drones.
Those types of assets are only available at the strategic level. Drones are now being used down to the squad level. Individual infantry and armored squads need to be able to defend themselves from drones just like they have MANPADS for aircraft or ATGMs for tanks.
numba1cyberwarrior t1_iswvfpc wrote
Reply to comment by Dramatic-Brain-745 in Killer drones vie for supremacy over Ukraine by V2O5
This comment is so wrong.
>Hitlers V2 Rockets we’re heavier, even duds would knock out buildings because they were 2 tons. They were also significantly faster. Hitlers V2 rockets flew at 400 MPH creating a kinetic impact if they failed that would knock down most buildings.
Firepower alone does not mean effectiveness. These drones are exponentially more accurate.
>Now, I’d assume Hitlers were 25k back in the 40s, and Putins are 20k today. Not sure if the info I was reading accounted for cost, but if it did, the V2 rocket would be the obvious choice for this style of war.
A V2 rocket is significantly more expensive then the drones being flung around Ukraine right now. Some of them are litterly being built with plastic parts bought from Aliexpress.
>Furthermore, Drone defenses are on the way to Ukraine, and modern drone defenses would not Stop a V2 rocket onslaught.
It highly depends on the drone. There are drones that can fly extremely low and follow pre programed paths to avoid air defense networks. V2s cant really do that much. V2s are quite easy to shoot down with modern air defense networks. They were even being shot down by WW2 propeller airplanes. Drones can also be launched from almost anywhere unlike V2 rockets.
numba1cyberwarrior t1_iswv63m wrote
Reply to Weaponized Robots Letter Calls for Policy, Tech Fixes Manufacturers’ initiative pledges no militarized robots for nonmilitary purposes by tonymmorley
This is stupid, its like saying you dont want to use airplanes for war.
Your never going to suppress technology especially technology for people to kill each other.
numba1cyberwarrior t1_iswv3j7 wrote
Reply to comment by imalwayslate11 in The killer ground drone revolution is here. The Netherlands has deployed four armed ground robots or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), making it the first NATO country to do so. The robots are Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry Systems (THeMIS) UGVs built by the Estonian defense company Milrem Robotics. by mossadnik
Unless those controlling them make them do it
numba1cyberwarrior t1_iswv2bw wrote
Reply to comment by YsoL8 in The killer ground drone revolution is here. The Netherlands has deployed four armed ground robots or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), making it the first NATO country to do so. The robots are Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry Systems (THeMIS) UGVs built by the Estonian defense company Milrem Robotics. by mossadnik
That has an absolutely horrific consequence for power. You dont need the masses to retain your military anymore
numba1cyberwarrior t1_iswv0a8 wrote
Reply to comment by Omnizoom in The killer ground drone revolution is here. The Netherlands has deployed four armed ground robots or unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs), making it the first NATO country to do so. The robots are Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry Systems (THeMIS) UGVs built by the Estonian defense company Milrem Robotics. by mossadnik
Infantry dig trenches themselves, if your not doing anything your always digging
numba1cyberwarrior t1_ivece01 wrote
Reply to comment by thereia in Put some signs to discourage heavy gas mopeds on the bridges and protected bike lanes by CroustiBat
The laws of phsyics are that its very dangerous for many scooters to be on bike lanes.