oakteaphone t1_iyc06v7 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Mosephus in A cooking spray serving size is measured in units of time. by bufadad
They should make the serving sizes reasonable servings.
You shouldn't be able to sell a "snack size" bag of chips and have a serving size be half the bag.
Bagel Bites have a serving size of 4 bagel bites. They're called bagel bites because you could reasonably eat them in one bite.
4 bagel bites is one serving. The heating instructions tell you to heat up one box/tray, about the size of any other frozen lunch tray.
Do you know how many Bagel Bites come on one tray?
>!9.!<..am I supposed to eat my one serving, give a second serving to my partner, and then save one Bagel Bite from 4 different meals to get one bonus serving later??
oakteaphone t1_iy2hprw wrote
Reply to comment by darklordbazz in LPT: Shop for kitchen supplies at restaurant supply stores by guyinnova
>it can be free if you sue your name
Jeez, it always comes back to litigation, doesn't it?
oakteaphone t1_iwwgnvi wrote
Reply to Sky News: Qatar World Cup: Beer to be banned from stadiums, Sky News understands by Man_in_the_uk
Well, I don't understand, Sky News! Explain it to us!
oakteaphone t1_irtzlid wrote
Reply to comment by senorstupid in Some iPhone 14 users say the crash detection feature has triggered false alarms and called 911 during rollercoaster rides or after a phone drop while driving by speckz
For copyright reasons, IIRC lol
oakteaphone t1_irtndq3 wrote
Reply to comment by rigobueno in Some iPhone 14 users say the crash detection feature has triggered false alarms and called 911 during rollercoaster rides or after a phone drop while driving by speckz
Lmao, that's hilarious!
I haven't experienced that on "Rif Is Fun"
oakteaphone t1_irtblc4 wrote
Reply to comment by LarryGlue in Some iPhone 14 users say the crash detection feature has triggered false alarms and called 911 during rollercoaster rides or after a phone drop while driving by speckz
>Like the Reddit app I’m using to type this won’t expand past the last sentence and shrinks even more if I miss click the expand arrows.
I'm willing to bet they didn't understand your feature request... because I'm still confused as to what you mean, lol
oakteaphone t1_iydvmbs wrote
Reply to comment by slightlyworried42 in Owl left its imprint after crashing on a window at Newark Airport. by Jeronimoooooo
Sorry to say, definitely not.
Large windows should probably be made to be more visible to birds for this reason.