
okiegirl22 t1_iya1if5 wrote

Your request for “Any others I should add that should trump something on this?” sounds like a request for specific books, so my comment was just intended as a reminder that book suggestion requests go elsewhere. The rest of your comment is fine for this thread!


okiegirl22 t1_iy7yj1d wrote

(The Man in the High Castle does have a TV series adaptation, just FYI, ha ha!)

Generally I’m a book first, movie second kind of person. I figure that way I have the same background knowledge that the filmmakers did and I can appreciate how the material is being adapted, and I dislike spoilers for my books.

But, I also don’t watch movies very often. So it’s easy for me to keep up with reading the books first. I think you just have to figure out how important it is (or if it’s important at all) for you to have read the book before watching the movie. Then either read the books first or don’t, whichever will work for you!


okiegirl22 t1_ixm1u8z wrote

The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins is super interesting and accessible. Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin is also a good one.

Right now I’m also reading The Selfish Gene by Dawkins and it’s good so far. It presents a gene-centered view of evolution that’s very interesting.


okiegirl22 t1_ixeyna2 wrote

I can’t vouch for all of these, but here’s my list of random book-related stuff!

  • Black Letter Press- nice editions of occult books
  • Book Beau- fabric book sleeves
  • Book of the Month- book subscription
  • The Bookish Shop- literary clothing and accessories, book subscription
  • Boxwalla- book subscription
  • DFTBA- author-themed gifts
  • Easton Press- leather bound books
  • Ex Libris Designs- book themed clothing
  • Folio Society- illustrated fine books
  • Frostbeard Studio- literary themed candles
  • Inkwell Threads- literary themed clothing
  • Juniper Books- designer dust covers and books
  • Literati- book clubs for kids and adults
  • Litographs- entire books printed on gifts
  • Out of Print Clothing- literary themed clothing and accessories
  • Page 1 Books- different kinds of book subscriptions
  • Penguin Clothbound Classics- affordable hardcovers
  • Penguin Vitae- affordable hardcovers
  • Present Indicative- literary themed gifts (also art and science stuff)

okiegirl22 t1_ix815hf wrote

Different people look for different things in their books. Personally, the cover (and general design) of the book plays a big part in which edition of a book a buy. If all I can find is something with a terrible cover or a poor design, I’ll get the ebook instead of the physical book so I don’t have to look at it, ha ha!


okiegirl22 t1_itz948m wrote

Shout out to the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series for getting me interested in horror when I was a kid! “Harold” and “The Thing” especially scared me half to death!


okiegirl22 t1_itvp9wr wrote

I thought of another question, ha ha! Recently I’ve noticed an uptick in interest in occult subjects (for lack of a better explanation). I’m seeing lots of interest in tarot cards, astrology, witchcraft, etc., even amongst people that may not have been interested in it before. Is this just a thing that I’m noticing, or is it a broader trend? And why the increased interest now?


okiegirl22 t1_itugx8a wrote

I just finished Borne and Dead Astronauts. I read the Southern Reach trilogy a while back and loved it! Overall I thought Borne was the weakest of them, but that could just be because I’m not super into first-person perspective in novels. Dead Astronauts I enjoyed more. You should definitely pick it up!


okiegirl22 t1_itpoz7j wrote

Per Rule 3.6: No distribution or solicitation of pirated books.

We aren't telling you not to discuss piracy (it is an important topic), but we do not allow anyone to share links and info on where to find pirated copies. This rule comes from no personal opinion of the mods' regarding piracy, but because /r/books is an open, community-driven forum and it is important for us to abide the wishes of the publishing industry.