
oldschoolskater t1_iuzk6y1 wrote

The dirty little secret is Republicans are completely fine with Shapiro. Republicans don't want to deal with polarization that comes with Mastriano. Republicans will control the state legislature. Shapiro will be the governor. They'll work together and be successful. Everyone wins.


oldschoolskater t1_iui9ht7 wrote

When you confirm enough votes on election night and the remaining ones can't overcome the difference they can call the election. If there isn't enough then you wait. That's the way it's always worked. With the large amount of mail in happening now it gets more difficult so we wait. The longer it takes the more doubt is built in voters minds.


oldschoolskater OP t1_iu4uv6l wrote

“It’s really important for us to get accurate information about the election process in Pennsylvania,” Chapman said. “So voters and the public know that when there are delays in counting, it doesn’t mean that there’s anything nefarious happening. It’s just what the law is in Pennsylvania.”