
olli_bombastico t1_iv2dk0x wrote

>Im sick of people blaming race and social status on everything.


>If i was born in an Asian household i bet i would he further than i am today

Is this a joke?


olli_bombastico t1_isk3f8o wrote

The museum was about to go under, it sold it's right to build to the developer, and is receiving the money as long as the plan gets approved. The city also pledged 10 million to the museum. Also, why are you conveniently ignoring the other pledges to the park and resilience infrastructure?

>Preservationists say the tower would block views of the Brooklyn Bridge and disrupt the character of an 11-block historic district in Lower Manhattan


Now let's see where this site is. Map.

Now tell me how this site is blocking views of the two blocks of low rises in front of it and "ruining" the characteristic of the site.

I am curious how many members of this preservationist group also owns real estate in the Southbridge Towers happened to be across the street from the parking lot.


olli_bombastico t1_isiqa54 wrote

That's not corruption - that's contributing to the community you're trying to buid in. Other contributions include resilient infrastructure and capital improvements at Titanic Park and investment in expansion of maritime uses at Pier 17. It's a common practice in construction to please and get permission of local old NIMBYist fucks.

If anything the corrupt side is the commission and the locals.