onlycatshere t1_jdho5xp wrote
Reply to comment by regular6drunk7 in Sheriff says consideration of his family influence led to stopping Montgomery County mugshots posts by Serpenio_
That trait's name: Lack of empathy.
onlycatshere t1_jddm3sx wrote
Reply to comment by Greenthund3r in A New Report Has Linked More Than 1,000 Antiquities in the Met Museum's Collection to Traffickers by JonesinJames
I imagine most long-standing museums have trafficked items
onlycatshere t1_j98ldlu wrote
Reply to comment by Cold-Reflectionz in San Jose Police Arrest Man for Allegedly Attacking Street Vendor With a Baseball Bat by derpwild
I was wondering why a worker would stick their neck out like that on camera, showing their full nimby ass to the world. Him being the owner makes a looot more sense. I've known quite a few nimby construction owners in my life who act like this, they all fantasize about being violent like this guy
onlycatshere t1_j413jg7 wrote
Reply to comment by aethersnores in Woman charged after 'unidentifiable' human remains found in north Columbia by MacDougalTheLazy
I usually use a drop of peppermint oil above my lip or inside my mask, but after working a post-mortem apartment unit turnover (unattended death), gotta say the best way to cut the death smell is a respirator with the right cans.
onlycatshere t1_j1za85k wrote
Reply to comment by Lou_C_Fer in Noah Galle, Parents, Sued Again After Crash Leaves Six Dead in Delray Beach by Spawnacus
I really don't get the broccoli top hate. Seems like popularity hate tbh... I've seen both little shitheads and respectful youngsters sport the style, and I think the internet is trying to make it a thing just so it can be a meme we can harp about. When it first started popping up I thought it looked good and I still think it does, though it's no longer a unique style
onlycatshere t1_j0bkjmm wrote
Reply to comment by AudibleNod in Feds file lawsuit against Arizona over border wall made of shipping containers by AudibleNod
My mom's partner dumped a bunch of his company's eco blocks in a city park to stop unhoused folks from pitching tents in a spot that has a small sightline to his property. Same entitled energy.
I've been meaning to go graffiti them, any ideas?
onlycatshere t1_iusyviq wrote
Someone send it to Buitoni please? I've gotten two packages of moldy tortellini in the last year that were not close to being expired. I know it's madness buying the same thing and expecting different results, but when it isn't moldy their chicken prosciutto tortellini is fucking awesome
onlycatshere t1_it6uwsj wrote
Reply to comment by jso__ in Exclusive: Officer being investigated over Uvalde response gave order to delay classroom breach by 5xad0w
It would almost make more sense if he did it intentionally knowing that doing so would reveal/occupy the shooter as they went to shoot the "bait".
onlycatshere t1_it2a3fw wrote
Reply to comment by HelenAngel in Air quality around Seattle ranked worst in the world by SounderBruce
It sucks we can't enjoy the last bits of nice weather and soak up that D, but right now we need the rain! 😫
onlycatshere t1_it28j5y wrote
Reply to comment by whatproblems in Air quality around Seattle ranked worst in the world by SounderBruce
To be fair, it isn't this bad everyday in smoke season. The weather seems to have a big affect on where it goes and how well it dissipates.
Everyone I talked with about it agreed that yesterday was the worst day of the year (so far). A couple years ago I feel like we had at least a couple weeks as severe as yesterday. Hopefully it's not like that again.
I'm seeing a few people outside wearing respirators, more than during the height of the pandemic. Working for an hour outside without a N95 yesterday was a poor choice and I'm still dead exhausted from it. Going from inside to out, it's instant coughing and stinging eyes for me, and while others feel that too, it seems like my body has less tolerance lol. Definitely going to wear my resp today
onlycatshere t1_jea0cqp wrote
Reply to comment by Sbubbert in U.S. journalist detained in Russia on espionage charges by tomorrow509
Journalists like this take a calculated risk. They believe what they are reporting on is worth the chance of state abuse. To say he should have known better is incredibly patronizing