opiate_lifer t1_iybkdvt wrote
Reply to TIL that beans are banned in Spacecraft because they can produce "1-3 cups of flatus" in an environment where there are no windows by April_Spring_1982
NASA also feeds astronauts a "low residue diet" to reduce the amount of feces they produce. They to avoid foods high in stuff like insoluble fiber or cellulose, basically anything that is not absorbable.
opiate_lifer t1_ixxqabh wrote
Reply to TIL Kola Coca was developed in Spain in 1880. A year after Kola Coca won an award in the US, Coca-Cola was introduced. by ElJamoquio
Kola-African nut.
Coca-Coca leaf extract, same plant cocaine is extracted from.
opiate_lifer t1_ixwnglk wrote
Reply to TIL that the Roman Baths in the city of Bath, England, were closed for several years after a brain eating amoeba was found in the water by New_Blacksmith_115
FWIW these amoebas are common in still placid water, a few unlucky people die yearly.
opiate_lifer t1_ix1ypvy wrote
Reply to comment by AdRepulsive7699 in TIL: raccoons are native to North America, having been introduced elsewhere only in the 20th century. by acequark
I've heard anecdotally that they make great pets as juveniles, but are way too aggressive as adults.
opiate_lifer t1_ivlz2k8 wrote
Reply to TIL, there was a Cocaine-infused tablet called “Forced March” taken on the North Pole Expedition by Shackleton. As label explains: “Allays hunger and prolongs the power of endurance.” by endofthen1ght
I'd like to point out coca leaves have been used for this purpose for thousands of years at least in the Andes.
opiate_lifer t1_iuseh6n wrote
Reply to Today I learned that dandelion roots can be used to make a coffee-like beverage. by ty775pearl
It doesn't have caffeine in it, Yaupon bush however does contain caffeine!
opiate_lifer t1_iu7tx7b wrote
Reply to Anyone else finish Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities? How would you rank the eps? by 121jigawatts
I really liked the battle of wits the protagonist had with the villain in The Autopsy! But I thought it was a bit too long, felt padded.
A lot of the episodes feel like high budget Tales From The Crypt episodes but with unneeded padding.
opiate_lifer t1_itorkky wrote
Reply to comment by confuseray in TIL that in a series of experiments in the 1950s, Solomon Asch asked a group of actors and a single test subject what the longest line was in a "vision test". The actors would intentionally answer incorrectly, causing the subject to also answer incorrectly, despite it being very obvious. by Amateur_Validator
I constantly tell younger people on the spectrum that there is a heavy cost to "I don't care what people think!" even in cultures that already celebrate non-conformity. Sad thing is when you're on the spectrum it can take a lot of maturing before you realize how badly you're fucking yourself over.
opiate_lifer t1_irfrq40 wrote
Reply to comment by quokka70 in TIL A 2017 study found that the introduction of iodized salt in 1924 raised the IQ for the one-quarter of the population most deficient in iodine. by kstinfo
FWIW I have definitely seen bags of table salt that had fluoride added.
edit-Link only provided as example it happens, its a far right conspiracy blog so lol I am not endorsings its claims.
opiate_lifer t1_irfrdgy wrote
Reply to comment by WintersTablet in TIL A 2017 study found that the introduction of iodized salt in 1924 raised the IQ for the one-quarter of the population most deficient in iodine. by kstinfo
Everything is a poison, only the dose matters.
opiate_lifer t1_irdqucs wrote
Reply to comment by ACorania in TIL A 2017 study found that the introduction of iodized salt in 1924 raised the IQ for the one-quarter of the population most deficient in iodine. by kstinfo
Leaded gasoline contaminated absolutely everything with lead, obviously worse the closer you were to constant car exhaust.
But it gets in the soil, comes down in rain, washes into rivers, etc etc
opiate_lifer t1_j0aporj wrote
Reply to comment by heisdeadjim_au in TIL Korea has soy sauce older than USA by SmashScrapeFlip
Caviar isn't THAT expensive, cheapest I've seen was like $5 USD for a small jar of a few ounces. Granted I've never tried the $1-2K a gram Iranian or Russian ones they keep locked up in the grocery.