
opiate_lifer t1_j94qwqw wrote

Pretty sure even the regular variety was lightly sweetened compared to soda which can have 50 grams of sugar per bottle.

Probably shouldn't drink either but if I had to choose I'd take the vitamin water at 20 grams of sugar.


opiate_lifer OP t1_j5h2moa wrote

Eren's dad had never hidden the fact he came from outside the wall, he just claimed in public he had amnesia. Eren and other characters that knew him knew he was discovered wandering outside the wall, so this combined with the wall attack and Eren being able to transform you can infer from the first few episodes there are humans outside the wall who have the ability to turn into titans.


opiate_lifer OP t1_j5dx6ym wrote

Oh yea this is a good example! Like from the pilot we know:

There is some kind of human settlement outside the wall.

These humans appear to be able to transform into intelligent titans, and are attacking the wall for some reason.

So from episode 1 its obvious where the plot is going, but the depth of it was certainly unexpected!


opiate_lifer t1_j2crlpb wrote

Not that I believe but there are some nice and creepy urban legends about these MIB that would make a pretty good scifi/horror movie.

They are described as sometimes possibly clones of a sort or androids, or sometimes reanimated corpses. Unusual mannerisms, bizarre unsettling behaviour etc.


opiate_lifer t1_j2be0z6 wrote

What has always boggled my mind is the original novel is almost written like a screenplay, extremely visual and intriguing! Starts in the Arctic with Doctor Frankenstein being rescued, and sighting of a bizarre pursuer in the distance and then the whole thing is told in flashback. The monster is more like Roy Batty confronting Tyrell in Blade Runner than the "Urgggh Arrrgh!" movie monster.

Easily one of the worst movie adaptations ever, yet the movie monster is what is culturally iconic which is a shame.


opiate_lifer t1_j1vk1qo wrote

I first saw this movie as a kid and I actually had a theory Don Johnson was delusional and hallucinating the dog telepathically talking to him!

I mean think about it, what evidence do we see the dog was altered in a high tech lab to be super intelligent and psychic? Even if it was, in the movie its clearly been a decade+ since the nuclear war so how is the dog still alive?

It makes more sense to me the dog is a dog, and Don Johnson has gone insane due to trauma and isolation heh.(yes I know its based on a short story)

A bit of warning for modern audiences, this is a black comedy and our main character is openly a rapist! And his motivation for most of the movie is having the dog sniff out women to rape in the wasteland.

Also has a "twist" ending I found darkly hilarious, your mileage may vary.


opiate_lifer t1_j0aqbqq wrote

This is Donald Trump:


Can you even believe this is the same guy?! I suspect Trump as we know him is an act, like Boris Johnson he plays a buffoon thinking it appeals to the common man.

I suspect the real Trump who casually uses the word abeyance in conversation and almost certainly has a refined palate would put off his base lol
