orangestar17 OP t1_iqmo2nk wrote
Reply to comment by Guygan in Help Finding Late Grandparents' Neighborhood by orangestar17
Thank you very much
orangestar17 OP t1_iqmo1yo wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Help Finding Late Grandparents' Neighborhood by orangestar17
Thank you so much!
orangestar17 OP t1_iqmo0ez wrote
Reply to comment by OurWhoresAreClean in Help Finding Late Grandparents' Neighborhood by orangestar17
I know we always said Waterville, but it's very likely it was just simply near it perhaps?
Snow Pond actually seems to ring a bell. I remember it not being exceptionally wide. When it froze in winter, people from both sides would literally come out onto the ice and it wasn't too far to get across.
As for a whole lot more details, we definitely spent most of our time just relaxing at their house on the water so I don't necessarily have a ton of local area info.
orangestar17 OP t1_iqmo38i wrote
Reply to comment by 16F4 in Help Finding Late Grandparents' Neighborhood by orangestar17
Thank you!