
orangutanoz t1_iwe6xun wrote

Yeah, I used to run 3 or more hours steady no problem but I’m not sure about doing it with a fused ankle. Anything has got to be better than what I had. At the very least I’ll now be able to walk on hills and loose terrain like beaches and I’ll be able to balance on one foot again. Even weight training was heavily curtailed and any household chores were pretty much out of the question. Worst six years of my life.


orangutanoz t1_iwdkr4u wrote

I’ve been unable to run or bike since 2017 and I’m a heavy drinker. I stopped drinking for my most recent surgery so I wouldn’t become a huge fat ass again. Three more weeks until I can put weight on the fused ankle since nothing else has worked so far. Looking forward to cycling and possibly running on the treadmill at least very soon.


orangutanoz t1_iw48ex8 wrote


orangutanoz t1_ivh9vgr wrote

Maybe they could do mosquito abatement and release these from non treated water so there wouldn’t be a really heavy mosquito season. That and there would be fewer bad mosquitoes to mate with making the process more effective.


orangutanoz t1_iub4nqp wrote

It’s different than the US. You don’t see huge homeless encampments. Well at least not around Melbourne anyway. There are however similar rates of what are considered homeless as In people with no fixed address. Having lived in the Bay Area and here I can tell you that our vulnerable people are far better looked after.


orangutanoz t1_it1mwwy wrote


I don’t know shit. My bad for taking the Guardian’s word for it.

Edit: I meant in terms of coal but I just had surgery and didn’t properly look up the static I was referring to until just now. Feeling much less goofy now thanks.