otaku_108 OP t1_ja2ey66 wrote
Reply to comment by assumprata in [Image] Root Of Cause (OC) by otaku_108
NO, It is the concept KARMA.
otaku_108 OP t1_ja1wy5c wrote
Reply to comment by humvee911 in [Image] Root Of Cause (OC) by otaku_108
Let's say you have a leaking pipe at home. You notice that your furniture is being harmed by water that is collecting on the floor. You clean up the water and set a bucket underneath the leak to catch the drips. You don't, however, repair the leaky pipe itself.
The leaky pipe is the primary culprit in this situation. You have not resolved the root problem by just treating the visible symptoms (the water damage). The leak will therefore continue to show up in different ways. For instance, the pouring water in the bucket could draw bugs or encourage the growth of mould in your house.
If you merely deal with the symptoms and ignore the leaky pipe's fundamental cause, the issue will continue to have detrimental effects in various ways. This also holds true when trying to cure a disease's symptoms without treating its underlying cause or when attempting to fix a software defect without dealing with the underlying code problem.
otaku_108 OP t1_j9ybl6m wrote
Reply to comment by TheNegAgeN in [Image] Is diversification is the key? by otaku_108
I copied it from a previous note that I had made in my notepad.
Thank you for pointing it out.
otaku_108 OP t1_j9y9k6d wrote
Reply to comment by TheNegAgeN in [Image] Is diversification is the key? by otaku_108
Wrote the same thing in more precise way, check-out comments.
otaku_108 OP t1_j9xvlls wrote
Reply to comment by Krairy in [Image] Is diversification is the key? by otaku_108
Thank you for appreciating my ideas 💫
otaku_108 OP t1_j9xl8oe wrote
Reply to [Image] Is diversification is the key? by otaku_108
- By lessening the impact of failure or setbacks in one area of your life, diversification can protect your self-confidence. You become less reliant on any one of your interests, talents, or activities to define who you are and what you're worth when you diversify them. This implies that even if you experience difficulties or setbacks in one part of your life, you may still feel assured and successful in other aspects of it.
- You are less likely to suffer a severe hit to your self-confidence if one of your endeavours fails, for instance, if you are an entrepreneur who has diversified your investments and company interests. Alternatively, you can stay motivated and confident by thinking on your accomplishments and successes in other areas.
- Similar to this, you are less likely to feel like your entire identity is dependent on your academic performance if you are a student who has diversified your extracurricular activities, hobbies, and social groups.
Finally, by decreasing your reliance on any one aspect of your life to determine your identity and worth, diversification may protect your self-confidence. To develop resilience, adaptability, and a positive self-image that can help you maintain confidence and motivation in the face of obstacles, vary your interests, talents, and activities.
otaku_108 OP t1_j9xc4y6 wrote
Reply to comment by Positive-Vibes-2-All in [Image] Is diversification is the key? by otaku_108
otaku_108 OP t1_j9wt0pn wrote
Reply to comment by SnooChipmunks9242 in [Image] Is diversification is the key? by otaku_108
Thank you for confessing.
otaku_108 OP t1_j9dx5hm wrote
Reply to comment by Auphor_Phaksache in [Image] The Guidance by otaku_108
Universe expect that you'll help others in order to be helped in your suffering, it is that simple! Narcissism has no place here
otaku_108 OP t1_j9dp8o6 wrote
Reply to comment by sno4eva in [Image] The Guidance by otaku_108
Good add-on ✨
otaku_108 OP t1_j9dm7mk wrote
Reply to [Image] The Guidance by otaku_108
• Acknowledge and accept your feelings of suffering, instead of denying or suppressing them. This can help you move through the experience, rather than getting stuck in it.
• Practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment and avoid getting lost in thoughts and emotions that can amplify suffering.
• Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and try to focus on the positive aspects of your life, no matter how small they may seem.
• Reframe your thoughts and view challenges and suffering as opportunities for growth and learning.
otaku_108 OP t1_j96r8nj wrote
Reply to comment by othemehto in [Image] Be selfless. by otaku_108
Sadly, no one has attempted to translate this statement. Damn those Western morons!
Such hate surrounding a quote; I'll try to explain one last time, but I have a feeling that these thick-headed people won't even get that.
I'll give you an example, so read on, fools.
Imagine a young artist with the vision to change the face of art by developing a revolutionary new aesthetic. She is, however, so worried about making an impression on the world and being recognised as a great artist that she is hesitant to try new things and take chances with her work. She thus produces forgettable, safe works as a result of her lack of inspiration. On the other side, there are certain artists who are more concerned with producing the greatest work possible than with whether or not their work will be remembered. An artist has unrestricted freedom to take chances, attempt novel approaches, and push the limits of what is practical in their industry. They might thus wind up producing truly innovative work that has a long-lasting effect on the art world. The first artist in this case never completely "flies" or reaches the grandeur she is capable of because she is too concerned with leaving a trace. The second artist, in contrast, is unrestrained in their pursuit of their goals and can soar without concern for their legacy. As a result, they might wind up having a significantly greater influence.
Those who are unduly concerned about their legacy and the impression they make on the world may be discouraged from taking chances or following possibilities that could result in great achievements, according to the proverb "those who want to leave a footprint shall never fly." To put it another way, if someone is always concerned about the impression they are making, they can be too hesitant to take risks and follow their aspirations.
otaku_108 OP t1_j94p1rm wrote
Reply to comment by intergalacticbro in [Image] Be selfless. by otaku_108
What a logic, LoL 😂
otaku_108 OP t1_j94mvx0 wrote
Reply to [Image] Be selfless. by otaku_108
Thus, for those who don't understand the significance of this little statement:
Individuals who are focused solely on leaving a lasting impact or legacy may limit their ability to truly soar and achieve their full potential. It implies that the desire to leave a mark on the world can distract one from the present moment and limit their ability to embrace change and take risks, as they may be too focused on preserving their legacy instead of growing and evolving. This idea aligns with the concept of living in the present moment and embracing impermanence. It suggests that those who are too focused on leaving a lasting imprint may miss out on the beauty and joy of the journey, as they are too concerned with the end result. Instead, it may be more fulfilling to focus on the present and embrace the journey, allowing one to experience freedom and growth, without being bound by the need to leave a lasting impact.
In essence, the philosophy behind this phrase encourages individuals to let go of the desire for permanence and instead focus on living fully.
otaku_108 OP t1_j8qicwl wrote
Reply to comment by Velocityraptor28 in The senses are what bind us; they plot against us and constantly make us look foolish. [Image] by otaku_108
Read again 😃
otaku_108 OP t1_j8n09u7 wrote
Reply to comment by CruCial_J in The senses are what bind us; they plot against us and constantly make us look foolish. [Image] by otaku_108
That's what quotes for (interpretation) 😉
otaku_108 OP t1_ja4rrtb wrote
Reply to comment by assumprata in [Image] Root Of Cause (OC) by otaku_108
Close enough but NOPE!