
otiswrath t1_jef6jzh wrote

Just a reminder, there are at least 2 Jim/James Spillane/Splaines in NH politics.

James Spillane is the Republican state rep from Deerfield who has been arrested and convicted of Domestic Violence, multiple DUIs, and Reckless Conduct. (I think that one was from when he was shooting squirrels in his neighborhood with a .50 muzzleloader). He is the one who called for violence against anyone with a BLM sign.

Then there is Jim Splaine from Portsmouth who is a well respected member of the political community and has served in the State Senate, House of Reps, and City Council. He also sponsored the bill that made same sex marriage legal in NH.


otiswrath t1_jef09e7 wrote

I generally felt like he was a more or less neutral political figure for a while. A little too much in bed with the resorts and money in the state but more or less harmless. I even voted for him once.

Then he started trying to appeal more and more to the MAGA crowd. Signing the abortion ban, pushing for public tax money to be given to religious schools, spending NH tax dollars to "secure our northern border" etc.

The thing that really pushed me over the edge was when Rep. Jim Spillane (R) was calling for his supporters to commit a home invasion on anyone with a BLM sign in their yard and Sununu utterly refused to call him out because they are in the same party.

If someone threatens violence on your constituents you call them out. I don't care what party you are in.

That was when I knew that he doesn't actually care about NH, he just wants to be president so bad that he will sell out every single one of us to get there.

Edit: Oh yeah, and he is also responsible for losing millions in tax revenue and causing many people in the state to have criminal records because of his 1950's perspective on marijuana.

Edit2: Also, let's not forget that he vetoed the bill that passed the House and Senate that would allow citizens affected by PFAS contamination to sue the companies responsible to cover the medical testing they will have to do for the rest of their lives.


otiswrath t1_jdhhbfb wrote

From the article,

“(McCue) said he did not observe any sign of impairment at that point. He explained that (Loud) seemed steady on her feet and he could not observe any odor (of alcohol) at that time,” MRI’s report states. Johnson, who was the lead officer, wanted to investigate further."

"...the officers went through her home taking photos of the mess."

They had no apparent reason to detain her. You are saying she was wasted but that is not what the article says. Furthermore, going into someone's home and taking pictures is considered a search.


otiswrath t1_javxws7 wrote

To be clear, trespassing is the unlawful entry on to the land of another or the unlawful propelling of objects or other persons on to the property of another.

Hanging signs on the property of another without permission is trespassing.

While I believe that every person deserves the right to a full throated legal defense I am not super surprised they are having trouble finding counsel. The legal community in NH is pretty small and no one wants to become known in Fascist circles as the go to lawyer but someone will pop up to take it.

Remember, no one is willing to take the case for the amount of money they are willing to pay...yet.


otiswrath t1_j6bloll wrote

Horse shit.

Who do you think keeps holding up marijuana legalization. Hint: it isn't the Democrats.

Who keeps advocating for banning books they don't like? Hint: it isn't the Democrats.

Who keeps trying to push their god into every political decision because they think it is what is the best for other people? Hint: it isn't the Democrats.

The Democratic party isn't perfect by any means and I have plenty of gripes with them too but don't drink the Kool aid of "Republican means freedom".

They want the freedom to do what they want not freedom for others to make their own decisions.


otiswrath t1_j5i22dv wrote

Colby's in Portsmouth is far and away the best breakfast joint in town.

I have always found it shocking how few breakfast joints there are in Portsmouth and of the few there are that Colby's is essentially the only decent one.


otiswrath t1_j2x6ovj wrote

Few things:

When I said "left alone" I mean alone. I didn't mean "leave them in the house with other people". Cops don't need to shoot people to prevent them from hurting themselves.

I train with cops and have multiple friends that are cops. They are well aware that many folks wearing the badge have no business doing so and are a danger to themselves and the public.

Be aware of where you get your news, especially on the autonomous zone stuff. I have friends who lived on the outskirts of it and it was very clear that the Proud Boys were rolling in there nightly to stir shit up and there was a very strong indication they were coordinating with Seattle PD. To be clear, my friends are non-political people who were just passing along what they would literally see out their window.


otiswrath t1_j2x39rg wrote

I am well aware and obviously I was not on scene but a person with a knife can be just left alone, maced, or tazed.

If this was a 17 year old kid threatening them with a knife there are likely plenty of other ways to resolve the situation other than killing him.

Don't get me wrong; play stupid games, win stupid prizes. But, a lot of cops need to grow a pair, do actual training, and not see every potential danger as one that needs to be resolved with a bullet.


otiswrath t1_j2wzw3u wrote

"The attorney general's office says that the officers encountered the person inside the home and that one officer discharged a stun gun and another officer fired his weapon. The person was shot and has died."

Seriously guys...? One decided that a stun gun was appropriate and the other decided to shoot him dead? Come on.


otiswrath t1_j1mn80r wrote

This is a teacher, not just some volunteer who doesn't know any better.

She has been educated and certified to do her job because by doing her job poorly it makes a significant impact on the long term outcomes on a child's life.

In other words she should absolutely have known better as a fundamental part of her job or she just couldn't be bothered to include the child in the event and if she is either that unqualified or that callous then she should be fired.

I spent a decade working in education with kids from preschool to high school. There are very clear fundamental principles around these types of situations.

This is actually so egregious that it is something that you would see in a training video and people would scoff because it would be so clearly out of line that it would be assumed no one would ever actually do it.

This is literally a text book example of what not to do.

Also, if she thinks that this is ok to do in an event with the community watching, what sorts of things does she do when she thinks no one is paying attention.


otiswrath t1_j1mhbuj wrote

Unless there is a VERY good explanation for this that teacher should be immediately fired.

Not only just because of the trauma that they likely inflicted on that little kid but because if she didn't realize how absolutely wrong what she was doing was then she is utterly unqualified for her job and goodness knows what other things she is doing in her classroom unsupervised.

Remember, this is how she treated her when she KNEW the community was watching.


otiswrath t1_j0902i4 wrote

You need licenses for plumbing and electric but carpenters/contractors are no license required. What a lot of guys do is take on jobs and then sub out the technical stuff to licensed and insured plumbers and electricians.

If you run a business as a sole proprietorship then you don't need an EIN or to register with the secretary of state unless you want to set up an LLC.

To be clear, this is not any sort of legal advice and you should always do your own research or hire an attorney if you have actual questions. Don't just take the word of random people on the Internet.


otiswrath t1_j06orok wrote

First off, you don't need a license in NH to be a contractor.

Second, it seems like multiple people in the development are running into the same issue which points to it being a bigger issue than "these folks use too much water".

These people came here asking for some help and you see oddly intent on blaming them.


otiswrath t1_j06mopx wrote

Please don't be condescending. I am well aware of how wells work.

They said they ran them at the inspection but there could be a few things going on here like the builder used a tanker to dump a few hundred gallons down the well or the water table in the area is not suitable at that depth to support the number of houses they built in the development.