pabloescobyte OP t1_j98zk27 wrote
Reply to comment by samvvell in 50s Day is Every Day for me, just like 40s Day. by pabloescobyte
Thank you! Hope it helps convert some people to Ortho and 40%s as well!
pabloescobyte t1_j98v0js wrote
Reply to Happy 50's Day by Mandydeth
I'll take one of each please! Love my Preonic to death though I'd gladly take that bottom one off your hands if it was ever for sale...
pabloescobyte OP t1_j98t2cl wrote
Reply to comment by EazeeP in 50s Day is Every Day for me, just like 40s Day. by pabloescobyte
They get smaller the further down the rabbit hole you get lol.
pabloescobyte OP t1_j98ookm wrote
MiniVan with 78g Zilents up top, Preonic with Gateron Yellows at bottom.
Having found the perfect keymap that worked for me with my MiniVan, jumping to Ortho was much, much easier than going to a 40% from a larger keyboard.
Despite the Preonic having one extra row I've kept my layout largely the same from the MiniVan.
F-key row is RSPACEBAR+ZXCVB row (F1) with UpArrow, Forward Slash and Colon as F10, F11 and F12 respectively.
Numbers are RSPACEBAR+ASDF (1-0)
Shifted symbols are on RSPACEBAR+QWERTY (Q=!, W=@, etc)
I went with two 2U spacebars as I find it more comfortable to use that way. Left SPACEBAR is just a regular spacebar, right SPACEBAR is Tap-Mod and doubles as a FN-key/layer toggle.
The first mod to the right of RSPACEBAR is a layer toggle for an embedded Numpad layer under QWE/ASD/ZXC with the surrounding keys mirroring a Numpad.
FWD SLASH uses Tap Dance so it's Backslash when tapped twice. The COLON is my ENTER key, CAPSLOCK+ENTER is SEMICOLON. The TILDE/BACKTICK key is UNDERSCORE and TILDE when double tapped (I spend a lot of time in the Terminal and Linux in general).
CAPSLOCK+Q/E is Home/End, CAPSLOCK+T/G is PgUp/PgDn, CAPSLOCK+Y/H/M is VolUp/VolDn/Mute
I write a lot of code so CAPSLOCK+U/I/J/K/M/, are the paired braces {} respectively with CAPSLOCK+O/P/L/' are _+-=
I switch the default layout back and forth when I'm on my mac and when I'm in Windows/Linux.
The only thing different is that I use Home Row mods on mac OS and the modifiers as swapped over. Also Home/End on the Mac I have it mapped to COMMAND+LEFTARROW/RIGHTARROW since that's how it is on the mac and I have LSPACE+ESC is COMMAND+BACKTICK so I can swap open windows quickly.
pabloescobyte t1_j93vsnk wrote
And thus the keyboard circlejerk is complete!
pabloescobyte t1_j8wf818 wrote
Reply to my cereal :D by kaythethrowaway
Follow your nose! I like it. Wish the backtick/tilde key was white to keep it uniform though. Looks fantastic either way though don't get me wrong.
pabloescobyte t1_j8tyh1z wrote
Reply to Vortex PC66 x CRP by CursedFroggo
Best looking Vortex keyboard yet! Too bad no buckling spring.
pabloescobyte t1_j8plq00 wrote
Reply to comment by Jamiesaville96 in My Model M and my KBT PC66 by Jamiesaville96
Mostly Group Buy and custom boards around here. Vortex used to be super big a long while ago but the market is much more saturated now. I mean even Model M and buckling spring boards are few and far between these days--usually bigger crowd at GeekHack.
pabloescobyte t1_j8p2cap wrote
Reply to My Model M and my KBT PC66 by Jamiesaville96
These look great though I'd take a Model M over a modern keyboard any day. The PC66 is a beautiful design though too bad it's not that popular around here.
pabloescobyte t1_j8p28dr wrote
Reply to Dots? DOTS! by regz999
Dots amore!
Dots in ISO looks awesome especially on a Mode keyboard. The vertical line on the Enter gives it a nice focal point.
pabloescobyte t1_j7powl7 wrote
Reply to comment by gnostical4 in Coiled the cable that came with my Keychron Q9! It’s not much, but it’s my first coil and I’m happy with it by SaxAppeal
Beat me to it but this ^
pabloescobyte t1_j7nf7jr wrote
Reply to Coiled the cable that came with my Keychron Q9! It’s not much, but it’s my first coil and I’m happy with it by SaxAppeal
Turned out quite nice! You can try reverse coiling it too.
Is this your first 40%?
pabloescobyte t1_j6kbvt2 wrote
Reply to Dualshot Space65 club by twda41
The stepped CAPS is my favorite part.
Also love seeing flipped spacebars. Best feeling spacebars!
pabloescobyte t1_j6kbc5m wrote
Reply to Chessboard Ortholinear by lilsneezyboi7
Looks pretty good but why not go with a full grid layout?
pabloescobyte t1_j4qj7ux wrote
Reply to comment by was-ist-sein in Purple and Black by wayduh
I use my spacebars with Mod-Tap functionality so holding them down acts as an FN to access layers.
Also I'm used to having just three modifiers to the left and find it's easier to actuate a 2U spacebar than a 1u spacebar with my left thumb.
pabloescobyte t1_j4o8fdo wrote
Reply to comment by wayduh in Purple and Black by wayduh
Absolutely agree! 2u spacebar = best spacebar
pabloescobyte t1_j4o5uyt wrote
Reply to Purple and Black by wayduh
As someone who uses a Preonic with 2x2u spacebars I love this so much!
Daily driver?
pabloescobyte t1_j3f9vvy wrote
Reply to Num block on the left is right👌 by maschine0
The proper way to do Pouthsaw.
pabloescobyte t1_j261vxj wrote
Reply to comment by brudyGuitar in Industrial Apricot, at work by araset
With white caps and mac legends that would be perfect actually!
pabloescobyte t1_j25nc98 wrote
All you need now is a keyboard waffle maker. Whisk some eggs and get on it!
pabloescobyte t1_j25n61a wrote
Eva Thin! Love the single modifier and 5u spacebar. Premium sub-40s build!
pabloescobyte t1_j23qjkk wrote
Reply to interesting keyboard in a museum by OnlineLion
No more fat fingering indeed!
pabloescobyte t1_j1v00cd wrote
Reply to Industrial Apricot, at work by araset
Ooh I love it! I really, really need to build me one of these sub-40s boards.
Perfect to go with a Steam Deck IMO
pabloescobyte t1_j1idguj wrote
Reply to nobody asked by Stabika
What a real "rotary encoder" is
pabloescobyte OP t1_j99b6wd wrote
Reply to comment by Chicken_McNublets in 50s Day is Every Day for me, just like 40s Day. by pabloescobyte
You're welcome. Hope it helps give you some ideas!