
paganlobster t1_j43i2ob wrote

Not if no one can afford watermelons and so they just rot in the stands. These luxury units get built in droves, go for insane rates, and sit empty while people who could afford a cheaper unit are out on the street because there's not enough affordable supply.


paganlobster t1_j43652h wrote

>Adding to Judith's challenge was her determination to stay in the Newburyport area where she has friends, family and medical providers but where housing costs are high.
>Judith's desire to stay near her home community is not uncommon, according to Renata Rouke, director of Individual Homeless Services at CTI, who works with the many experiencing homelessness around Lowell.
>“They won't move,” said Rourke. “We explain to them, ‘There's more vacancies, there's more affordable housing in other parts of the state.’ But they will stay homeless rather than leaving their community.”

TL;DR she wants to be close to what little support she has left. Makes perfect sense to me. There is no affordable housing in those states for her either, if she was already struggling to pay ~$600/mo in rent, and she also would likely not qualify for as much support as she does in MA.


paganlobster t1_j3t8myq wrote

I mean if you wanna know how abusers and family annihilators think, and the reasons behind what they do, you can find that info here on reddit or with a quick google search. But if you want the short layperson's version: it's aggrieved entitlement. Dude felt he had the right to control her life, and when she refuses or tries to leave, he kills her.


paganlobster t1_is2f4gi wrote

I think they have considered why, and they choose to dismiss it as weakness because that's all they really care about: projecting strength and power. If they don't complain about not getting paid for ALL their work-related responsibilities, they will be seen as weak by their employer and might get fired. So they lean in hard. It's a brutal self-perpetuating system that eats people alive.

Anywho, you might be interested in /r/antiwork and /r/workreform if you haven't dropped by already.


paganlobster t1_irzh35j wrote

Damn this thread got brigaded by shitty bosses and deep throaters of the boot. I hope they’re bots because if they want to fellate their employers so bad, I really pity them. I agree OP, any time spent in service to the job should be paid. That includes bio breaks because we’re not robots yet.