pahnzoh t1_iu9c19h wrote
Reply to comment by blindspots in Surrounded by non gun-friendly states by yawathrow77
That too.
pahnzoh t1_iu8t0oc wrote
Reply to comment by finalyst19 in Surrounded by non gun-friendly states by yawathrow77
Then you have to carry a gun with only a 10 rd magazine, go through their entire BS process, and renew it every single year. It's designed for people not to do it.
pahnzoh t1_iu8rybe wrote
Reply to comment by Massive-Instance-579 in Surrounded by non gun-friendly states by yawathrow77
Yes. You can have a LTC or even a machine gun license and the 10 round magazine limit applies.
Don't trust whatever the safety person told you. The AG will absolutely prosecute you for a felony in MA for having a 11+ rd magazine manufactured after 1994.
You can't buy normal guns there. You can't buy an AR15. You have to buy an M16 equivalent semi-auto lower manufactured prior to 1994 and build it out from there to avoid the state AWB.
pahnzoh t1_iu8r8g5 wrote
Reply to comment by Massive-Instance-579 in Surrounded by non gun-friendly states by yawathrow77
Except you can't own a magazine more than 10 rounds manufactured after 1994, and tons of other restrictions.
The fact that MA voters want to prosecute and imprison their neighbors for exercising a constitutional right is enough for me not to want to live anywhere near those people.
pahnzoh t1_iu8mnkg wrote
Reply to Surrounded by non gun-friendly states by yawathrow77
It makes many grow to hate the other states (mainly MA since ME and VT aren't as Nazi anti gun) because they literally want to put you in prison for crossing the state line doing what is completely legal here and in most of the US.
pahnzoh t1_iu6dak1 wrote
Reply to comment by daymuub in Can’t wait to no longer see this man by rkelly2
Oh I don't have anything against him personally other than the fact that he agreed to help promote Haggie, but I'd forgive him for that too.
I already don't like the DNC so I'm good there too.
pahnzoh t1_iu5kd88 wrote
Reply to Can’t wait to no longer see this man by rkelly2
Did they Democrats actually think hiring this geriatric as an actor to read lines to push Maggie would appeal to people?
pahnzoh t1_iu574hj wrote
Reply to comment by Nevaknosbest in Full video: Don Bolduc answers viewer questions on social media by movdqa
Based on your comments in this thread. You're pushing a Democrat agenda and talking points and calling yourself an independent when you're not.
pahnzoh t1_iu4fkf9 wrote
Reply to Kuster Trailing in New NHJournal Poll, With Hassan Tied and Leavitt Close - NH Journal by slimyprincelimey
Good, fuck these pieces of shit that the morons in this state voted into office.
Their replacements arent much better but get these slime balls out for now.
pahnzoh t1_iu4ew05 wrote
Reply to comment by OriginalGordol in keep it classy, Biddeford. by OriginalGordol
The Betsy Ross flag was displayed behind Obama at his inauguration. You're just taking an a hostile interpretation of it because this person overall probably goes against what you believe in.
pahnzoh t1_iu4bu8g wrote
Reply to comment by OriginalGordol in keep it classy, Biddeford. by OriginalGordol
Which stickers are racist? Very curious.
pahnzoh t1_iu4blpu wrote
Reply to keep it classy, Biddeford. by OriginalGordol
Classy =/= the opposite of my political views
pahnzoh t1_iu42pii wrote
Reply to comment by Nevaknosbest in Full video: Don Bolduc answers viewer questions on social media by movdqa
Pretty lame insult since I'd openly say fuck Putin and the Russian government. You won't do the same about Democrats even though you pretend to be an independent.
pahnzoh t1_iu2kov5 wrote
Reply to comment by Nevaknosbest in Full video: Don Bolduc answers viewer questions on social media by movdqa
Sounds like you're a Democrat calling yourself an independent.
pahnzoh t1_itv3pwt wrote
Reply to comment by Dux_Ignobilis in First Lady Jill Biden to visit New Hampshire this weekend by smartest_kobold
Then we both despise him. Don't really care about what Russia has to say.
I'm my own person and make up my own mind. Fuck Biden, Putin, and all authoritirians.
pahnzoh t1_ituvwv0 wrote
Reply to comment by Dux_Ignobilis in First Lady Jill Biden to visit New Hampshire this weekend by smartest_kobold
I use neither. Y'all stuck in the matrix assume so much
pahnzoh t1_iturlio wrote
Reply to comment by Decent-Door-8951 in First Lady Jill Biden to visit New Hampshire this weekend by smartest_kobold
Keep lickin' the democrat boots
pahnzoh t1_itsnjoz wrote
Reply to comment by Quirky_Butterfly_946 in First Lady Jill Biden to visit New Hampshire this weekend by smartest_kobold
Wife of corrupt demented old president comes to stump for corrupt old out of touch senator that for the life of my I can understand why anyone would vote for.
pahnzoh t1_itra4ma wrote
Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Full video: Don Bolduc answers viewer questions on social media by movdqa
I agree. Because the incentives are so perverse for both voters and politicans. When you setup a system of institutional coercion it's nearly impossible to scale back. People want to use the system for their own benefit to the detriment of others. That's why I have such disdain for the political parties and can't see how adults who have been around long enough still put effort into supporting shitty politicans.
pahnzoh t1_itr6o6n wrote
Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Full video: Don Bolduc answers viewer questions on social media by movdqa
Of course it's way more complex, but it's largely complex because of supply and demand of humans seeking housing, builders and developers, and supply of materials and equipment. The costs of materials and labor is another issue but that's not something the state can solve. All of that is not really related to the government so I didn't mention it.
The state is causing the problem for which you are seeking a solution. If you could homestead unimproved land like you could 200+ years ago, you would solve a major issue. The state through land claims, zoning laws, property laws, local code requirements, etc. is creating artificial barriers to entry. Right now you have to buy property from existing owners at very high prices and not many are selling. But if you look at the actual state of unimproved land there is a lot of it where people could live, in thoery. Satellite images show this vividly.
Yes that's only part of the issue of housing. But again, realistically neither party seeks to change that. Libertarians have a property ethic that fairly deals with property outside of the states current system, but of course that's not on the table.
pahnzoh t1_itr0ew2 wrote
Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Full video: Don Bolduc answers viewer questions on social media by movdqa
That's a problem of not only political party but the idea that you need the state to solve a problem.
The issue with affordable housing is that the state claims legal title to all land not already privately owned and you need to go through the state to own or develop the land.
pahnzoh t1_itqvwrc wrote
Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Full video: Don Bolduc answers viewer questions on social media by movdqa
Those are literally propaganda talking points to play to emotions. The Dems and repubs agree on 95% of governance.
What is the executive, judicial, legislative, and administrative state actually doing under both of their rules?
The same thing maybe to minor degrees of differences.
None of these people are far right. They're all authcenter. Both the Dems and repubs. If you forget the terms and look at what they actually support outside of the 3 social issues that are constantly repeated you'll see very little difference.
pahnzoh t1_itqtlvb wrote
Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Full video: Don Bolduc answers viewer questions on social media by movdqa
That's literally just your biased perspective.
Hassan and Pappas are Democrat establishment and you've bought the "far right wingnut" lie about their opponents.
In an ideal world we wouldn't have to deal with any of these people but try to be a bit more of an actual independent thinker, rather than "oh yeah I'm independent but just so happens to be an apologist for the Democrats."
pahnzoh t1_iu9t5m5 wrote
Reply to comment by External_Dimension71 in Surrounded by non gun-friendly states by yawathrow77
There Supreme Court Bruen decision really disappointed in not pummeling this shit into the ground.