pahnzoh t1_ivodphi wrote
Reply to comment by Theseus-Paradox in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
The Democrats are completely insane too and were drunk with power the last 3 years, yet the same logic doesn't apply to them?
Everyone just fights back and forth about the lesser of two evils every 2/4 years and the system always steams on in the long run, further expanding government power and restricting our rights one party at a time.
No one ever talks about the structural problems. I don't think our species will reach a level of self awareness during my lifetime to buck this slave mentality.
pahnzoh t1_ivodapn wrote
Reply to comment by seanwalter123 in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
Trump is a fucking egomaniac and always has been. It's sad that he was the choice against Biden. Two old dudes one an egomaniac and the other senile, if that's not an indictment of the stupidity that is the voting system then I don't know what is.
pahnzoh t1_ivn4930 wrote
Reply to comment by Dramatic_Mechanic815 in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
It keeps narrowing more and more, but it's kinda sad to see. NH is just turning into MA.
pahnzoh t1_ivlb5dc wrote
Reply to comment by valleyman02 in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Only on reddit is someone optimistic that a corrupt career politican is winning again.
pahnzoh t1_ivlaigq wrote
Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
I guess everyone has their own justifications for how they vote.
It's just unfortunate we all have to live under a system where we are faced with rulers we detest, but our neighbors voted for.
pahnzoh t1_ivl23dp wrote
Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
So you're voting on the assumption of how they would govern, when you know for sure the record of those who are already in the positions?
And you're voting more democratic after recognizing that they attempted to rig the election by meddling in the opposing party primary?
I find it odd how people issue balance these things.
pahnzoh t1_ivkslfr wrote
Reply to comment by A-Defiant-Goose in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Oh, for sure.
pahnzoh t1_ivkmkq1 wrote
Reply to comment by A-Defiant-Goose in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
You're predicting a 20 point spread for a race that is polling 1 point apart?
pahnzoh t1_ivkl2k5 wrote
Reply to comment by RickyDaytonaJr in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Yeah, first world problems.
pahnzoh t1_ivkkd5d wrote
Reply to comment by ThunderySleep in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Yep, my pen filled in the circle just fine. Used my brain to control my hand to spread the ink right in his circle.
pahnzoh t1_ivkk066 wrote
Reply to comment by NeilDatgrassHighson in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Also pretty easy to vote against a career politician who has a voting record against individual rights and is among the top recipients of lobbyist cash.
pahnzoh t1_ivkjrb6 wrote
Reply to comment by CheliceraeJones in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Especially the state subreddits. There's little value in polling a highly partisan issue in what is largely an echo chamber of young Democrat supporters.
pahnzoh t1_ivggo7c wrote
Reply to comment by valleyman02 in Question 2 - "Shall there be a convention to amend or revise the constitution?" by DietCokeMachine
Yet you assumed it was something nefarious orchestrated by Republicans.
Man the bias and propaganda is so inherently baked into people now.
pahnzoh t1_ivfb1de wrote
Reply to comment by ThisIsNotTuna in We can't afford Don Bolduc! by DethKnotWurst
Oh yes I agree that people voting for either Democrats or Republicans is going to change anything apparently don't pay attention.
I hate politics, but it's basically the idea that people are out there organizing to put rulers in power to use the government to create systems of control and expropriation. Unfortunately that works against us so the only thing you can do as an individual is vote for the people that want to do it less.
And in a system designed with 51% needed to pass legislation, you end up with competing factions like we have today.
pahnzoh t1_ivf6r85 wrote
Reply to comment by ThisIsNotTuna in We can't afford Don Bolduc! by DethKnotWurst
I do agree, but it's a collective action problem. A vote for a third party takes away a vote from the lesser of two evil parties as you perceive it. I can't control how others vote.
I personally think the entire system is flawed and routinely say that. I don't think we should be voting in this way at all. But it's a defensive mechanism against the state using it's powers against us. I'm forced to vote for the person who will do that the least if I want my vote to have any effect, if it even does at all.
pahnzoh t1_ivex49x wrote
Reply to comment by ThisIsNotTuna in We can't afford Don Bolduc! by DethKnotWurst
There isn't one that will win. I'd vote for a libertarian if they had a chance. They don't under our stupid two party system of government.
pahnzoh t1_iveohs6 wrote
Reply to comment by lMickNastyl in Is this a threat?? I've gotta 20 similar mailings, but this one is the most aggressive. by freakon
Don't tread on me with your army of gay frogs.
pahnzoh t1_ivdcv59 wrote
Reply to comment by lMickNastyl in Is this a threat?? I've gotta 20 similar mailings, but this one is the most aggressive. by freakon
If that was possible I wouldn't be surprised.
pahnzoh t1_ivd3kml wrote
Reply to Is this a threat?? I've gotta 20 similar mailings, but this one is the most aggressive. by freakon
They are Democrats so not surprising.
Which brain trust picked extremism as an advertising point? They're literally the same as Republicans except they want to ban guns and free speech.
pahnzoh t1_ivcwiah wrote
Reply to comment by Itsaburner777 in We can't afford Don Bolduc! by DethKnotWurst
And she wants to imprison her constituents for owning firearms.
Suffice to say you couldn't pay me to vote for her.
Not a big fan of Bolduc but he's got my vote as would almost anyone running against her.
pahnzoh t1_iupcxn2 wrote
Reply to comment by CosmicSurfFarmer in This guy is sure gonna be mad next week if Bolduc wins (Bolduc is now ahead in the polls) by Burger-King-Covid
Before the swing thankfully. Fuck Haggie.
pahnzoh t1_iufwjp7 wrote
Reply to comment by sheila9165milo in 1 dead in shooting near Mall Of New Hampshire in Manchester, NH by smdifansmfjsmsnd
It wasn't at the mall per se, it was two vehicles involved in a road rage near the mall.
pahnzoh t1_iue3j30 wrote
Reply to comment by Doza13 in Surrounded by non gun-friendly states by yawathrow77
That doesn't mean what you think it means. Regulated in 1791 meant component shooter.
Plus I'm not a statist bootlicker so I don't believe my rights come from a contract some guys signed 200 years ago.
pahnzoh t1_iuavja5 wrote
Reply to comment by SheeEttin in Surrounded by non gun-friendly states by yawathrow77
Well it's more complicated than either of us have stated. It depends on the FFL and whether you want to risk prosecution from Maura's interpretation of the state AWB.
Hopefully SCOTUS will kick these laws to the ground once and for all soon.
pahnzoh t1_ivote0x wrote
Reply to comment by She-hyzers-1234 in Why has NH gone more to left theses days? by BoringAccountName78
I hear this so often, but am always missing the actual justification to vote for Democrats if you still support small government and individual rights. Why would you choose something that goes against what you believe in even more?