
pahnzoh t1_ivodphi wrote

The Democrats are completely insane too and were drunk with power the last 3 years, yet the same logic doesn't apply to them?

Everyone just fights back and forth about the lesser of two evils every 2/4 years and the system always steams on in the long run, further expanding government power and restricting our rights one party at a time.

No one ever talks about the structural problems. I don't think our species will reach a level of self awareness during my lifetime to buck this slave mentality.


pahnzoh t1_ivlaigq wrote

Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed

I guess everyone has their own justifications for how they vote.

It's just unfortunate we all have to live under a system where we are faced with rulers we detest, but our neighbors voted for.


pahnzoh t1_ivl23dp wrote

Reply to comment by TheMobyDicks in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed

So you're voting on the assumption of how they would govern, when you know for sure the record of those who are already in the positions?

And you're voting more democratic after recognizing that they attempted to rig the election by meddling in the opposing party primary?

I find it odd how people issue balance these things.


pahnzoh t1_ivfb1de wrote

Oh yes I agree that people voting for either Democrats or Republicans is going to change anything apparently don't pay attention.

I hate politics, but it's basically the idea that people are out there organizing to put rulers in power to use the government to create systems of control and expropriation. Unfortunately that works against us so the only thing you can do as an individual is vote for the people that want to do it less.

And in a system designed with 51% needed to pass legislation, you end up with competing factions like we have today.


pahnzoh t1_ivf6r85 wrote

I do agree, but it's a collective action problem. A vote for a third party takes away a vote from the lesser of two evil parties as you perceive it. I can't control how others vote.

I personally think the entire system is flawed and routinely say that. I don't think we should be voting in this way at all. But it's a defensive mechanism against the state using it's powers against us. I'm forced to vote for the person who will do that the least if I want my vote to have any effect, if it even does at all.


pahnzoh t1_iuavja5 wrote

Well it's more complicated than either of us have stated. It depends on the FFL and whether you want to risk prosecution from Maura's interpretation of the state AWB.

Hopefully SCOTUS will kick these laws to the ground once and for all soon.