papayabush t1_j66dwzs wrote
Reply to comment by psychedelic-raven in Has anyone hiked the 5 miles to the lighthouse? by Sacredgeometry12
You have to pay to provide a service?
papayabush t1_iv4zovi wrote
Reply to Tiffany Smiley Ad by [deleted]
well yes. they do unfortunately. my grandparents firmly believe that some lawmakers want to legalize abortions at 8-9 months because of the ads they’ve seen. you’re basically just allowed to spew complete bullshit and many people get suckered into believing it.
papayabush t1_j66fltf wrote
Reply to comment by psychedelic-raven in Has anyone hiked the 5 miles to the lighthouse? by Sacredgeometry12
Jeez pretty pricey too! It explained there that the organization maintaining the lighthouse doesn’t receive any gov funding so they rely on these fees but yea it does seem strange to pay that much to work but oh well. I’m sure it is a great experience.