passinghere OP t1_j1f52l6 wrote
Reply to comment by Anonuser123abc in Target date for cleaning up waterways in England is moved back by 36 years by passinghere
Cheers for the suggestion. Have just done this
passinghere OP t1_j1epk7p wrote
Reply to comment by shahzbot in Target date for cleaning up waterways in England is moved back by 36 years by passinghere
> I think most of you know this isn't Brexit at play.
Which is totally contradicted by the facts already quoted
> Until Brexit the UK government was signed up to the water framework directive, which required countries to make sure all their waters achieved “good” chemical and ecological status by 2027 at the latest.
So just ignore the fact that this in particular is related to Brexit
passinghere t1_j1d9bka wrote
Reply to comment by zillskillnillfrill in TIL Catnip effects big cats aswell (cougars, leopards, lions, etc.) but 1 in 3 cats are unaffected by catnip and it is a hereditary behavior. by jamescookenotthatone
My last one was the same, had no interest in catnip at all
passinghere OP t1_j1cjdwx wrote
Reply to comment by WoodSheepClayWheat in Target date for cleaning up waterways in England is moved back by 36 years by passinghere
It feels correct to me in this case as they have moved back / delayed the date of implementing this (by 36 fucking years), if they had moved it forwards then it would be done sooner.
passinghere OP t1_j1ca91f wrote
Reply to comment by SsiSsiSsiSsi in Target date for cleaning up waterways in England is moved back by 36 years by passinghere
Yep... and not only broken beyond repair but also determined that everyone else must live only as they demand.
Really hate / sick of the way it is.
Edit... "live and let live" is a concept totally beyond their comprehension, it's dictatorship or death with them
passinghere t1_j1c7yjt wrote
Reply to comment by Puzzleheaded_Poet_81 in Musk’s Frequent Twitter Polls Are at Risk of Bot Manipulation | New research shows votes can be easily purchased during Twitter polls by MortWellian
Unless his plan was to lose as he hates all the reality he's catching as the public CEO so he can claim to be "following the will of the people" and then simply install a pet puppet as CEO to take all the shit while Musk still controls everything via his pet puppet CEO.
passinghere OP t1_j1c54g7 wrote
Reply to comment by SsiSsiSsiSsi in Target date for cleaning up waterways in England is moved back by 36 years by passinghere
It's hard to gauge the actual public opinion, but the vast majority of the media (mainly right wing, pro-Tory, pro-Brexit and anti-EU) would have a collective fit and go into overblown hysteria at just even thinking about this.
There was already insane headlines from the usual suspects in the media just because someone vaguely suggested considering having a slight trading agreement with the EU not that long ago and the far right section of the Tory party went into collective meltdown and shouty abuse at the idea that we "give in" to the EU or we "weaken" our "supposedly" strong trading position.
For certain far right sectors in both the government and media Brexit is still some religious concept that must never ever be spoken against or they will rain down hellfire and brimstone from on high on the person that dared to suggest reality is involved in anything like running the country.... sunny uplands with unicorns farting rainbows while singing Rule Britannia! is the only way of life that these fuckwits will ever listen to
passinghere OP t1_j1c3mjz wrote
> Not one English waterway, including rivers, lakes, estuaries and coastal waters is in good ecological and chemical health at present, with pollution from water treatment plants and agriculture the key sources of the damage
> Targets to clean up the majority of England’s rivers, lakes and coastal waters suffering from a cocktail of agricultural and sewage pollution have been pushed back from 2027 to 2063.
Oh look another one of those Brexit "benefits" I guess as we get to put up with shit filled seas and waterways for another 36 years while the corporation continue to send insane profits to their shareholders approx £52b in shareholder pay-outs so far iirc
> Until Brexit the UK government was signed up to the water framework directive, which required countries to make sure all their waters achieved “good” chemical and ecological status by 2027 at the latest. The UK government later reduced the target to 75% of waterways reaching the single test of good ecological status by 2027 at the latest. The target for the majority of waterways to achieve good status in both chemical and ecological tests has now been pushed back to 2063, according to the documents.
> By 2027, only 4% of waters are currently on track to be in good overall condition.
Yet the environmental agency has had their funding cut to the bone by the government because they don't want any pesky complaints against their wealthy mates running the private, for profit water companies.
passinghere t1_j194dz7 wrote
Reply to Cameras and sensors in an Amazon Fresh Market by Lobenz
Is this one of these "unstaffed" / "no till" stores where you have to have an amazon account to enter and they see everything you pick up and automatically charge it to your account as you leave the store, in which case the cameras make sense as that's how these stores operate
passinghere t1_j17jm5m wrote
Reply to comment by darwinwoodka in Philadelphians welcome first free public phone as a small way to resist big tech by Sorin61
Of maybe for added laziness / convenience have someone on the end of the phone that can connect your call to whoever you want without you having to enter all the numbers yourself.
passinghere t1_j0uguw2 wrote
Reply to comment by UNLEASHTHEFURY8 in Epic Games to Pay $520 Million Over Children’s Privacy and Trickery Charges by 08830
As with the wealthy any fines always seems to be far less than they made doing whatever they get caught / fined for, so it's always written off as a cost of doing business and they still result in a profit after paying the fine so they don't care that much.
passinghere t1_ixu4aat wrote
Don't known if any help, but if possible try leaving the door constantly open when not using it, as it helps air the machine out and stops inside being an enclosed damp environment and helps the door seal sitting last way longer as it gets chance to dry out and not stay in a closed wet environment / rotting through.
Also living in hard water area with no softener
passinghere t1_iuan8d0 wrote
Reply to comment by Lumastin in A stray bullet hit my driveway! (I think?) if anyone can tell me what this is that would be cool by thecultistguy
In that case that hollow would be dirtier due to water and dirt collecting in it, not cleaner which is what it looks
passinghere t1_itkp7oa wrote
Reply to comment by DavidHewlett in Russia's defense chief warns of 'dirty bomb' provocation by letschangethename
> Independent investigations have faced obstruction from the Russian government.
Says it all really. Cannot have daddy Putin being officially blamed and the facts being known.
Clearly shows that the lives of others have never meant anything other than a means to power for him.
Plus that number of deaths was just the start of the amount slaughtered during the air bombing of Grozny and the Second Chechen War, he's nothing other than a sick mass murderer all for his own benefit
passinghere t1_itkmdgr wrote
Reply to comment by DavidHewlett in Russia's defense chief warns of 'dirty bomb' provocation by letschangethename
Thought it was something like that, cheers for the info... Fucked up and a clear case of what to expect from dictator Putin
passinghere t1_itimg4u wrote
Reply to comment by mysticalfruit in Russia's defense chief warns of 'dirty bomb' provocation by letschangethename
This is fully what I'm expecting, especially from a dictator that's got a known history of using false flag attacks to benefit himself IIRC didn't he get in to power by killing a load of Russians with a bomb?
Not to forget the false flag attacks just before the Ukraine invasion, such as the Russian truck and the building (both miraculously empty) that had explosions in / beside them before he finally started the "special operations"
passinghere t1_ithov0t wrote
Guess that means Russia has a dirty bomb they intend to explode and blame it all on Ukraine then.
passinghere t1_it8g41k wrote
Reply to comment by DamonFields in YouTube’s latest revenue grab: A 27 percent price increase for family plans by Sorin61
Far, far too expensive to setup the infrastructure and storage systems to compete against google
passinghere t1_j1f6dvp wrote
Reply to UK's Sunak: Concerns about Scotland's gender reforms should be examined by 1dad1kid
So simply refuse to even talk to the striking NHS staff, but can find the time and willpower to wade in and try to stop a different country changing their own laws regards people changing their gender... so good to see this fuckwit has got his priorities correct /s... utter self entitled rich prick that has no clue how real people live