The casual indifference to whether they have just ruined someone's life and may be making it worse is sickening.
>>“I can’t move,” Cox said, “I broke my neck.”
>>Cox was eventually taken to the detention center where police officers told him to get up from the floor. “Sit up,” an officer said to which Cox responded, “I can’t move.”
>>“You’re not even trying,” she replied.
>>Police officers eventually dragged Cox out of the van and put him into a wheelchair that he repeatedly slipped from.
>>Officers then dragged Cox out of the wheelchair and pulled him across the floor to a cell where they put him up against a bed.
>>Video shows Cox falling back onto the floor again. “He is perfectly fine,” an officer said as Cox laid on the floor.
I could understand this better if there were hazards that had to be overcome, like with flocks of birds or schools of fish - but I'm having a hard time seeing the reason for cooperating to be advantageous
paulfromatlanta t1_iubayeq wrote
Reply to Qatar lavished British MPs with gifts ahead of World Cup by ladyem8
Probably just to build good will for when they stone a gay British fan...