pedantic_comments t1_j6nz37w wrote
I think I would vote for three toddlers in a trench coat before I’d cast a vote for the guy who charges me for living in a house.
pedantic_comments t1_j5z37go wrote
Reply to comment by reverendsteveii in Pa. drillers abandoned thousands of natural gas wells in 5 years, ignored state law, report says by lildobe
That’s not what’s happening. The DEP issued a report highlighting the problem and asks for legislation and resources. They are doing their jobs and saying we need to come up with a better system to enforce compliance - otherwise PA gets stuck with the bill for all the damage violations cause. It’s a regulatory body identifying a big problem and offering legislative fixes, like increasing the bonds these companies pay to operate here.
[The article also insinuates that the money from drillers has corrupted our state legislature.]
Blaming regulators here instead of the corporate assholes messing with our environment and our political systems is stupid.
TLDR; In our analogy, there’s one unarmed cop outside of an armed robbery situation, and they are asking for backup and permission to do more than write a mean letter or issue a small fine.
pedantic_comments t1_j5ywotx wrote
Reply to comment by IamSauerKraut in Pa. drillers abandoned thousands of natural gas wells in 5 years, ignored state law, report says by lildobe
It’s not a cop’s fault if someone commits a crime, just like it’s not the fault of regulators that corporations disobey the laws of the commonwealth.
pedantic_comments t1_j5v6cxs wrote
Reply to comment by Valhallas_Ghost in Living downtown - how do you manage parking? by Argvir
Thank you for your service. 🫡
pedantic_comments t1_j5ux902 wrote
Reply to New tenants are getting screwed by blondiebell
I feel bad for you being forced to live in that desirable, historic neighborhood with negligible rent increases, OP, and I look forward to your next post about how your home inspector, the seller and any contractor you hire are all also immoral crooks.
pedantic_comments t1_j5knx91 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Would it be a good idea to move to PA just for work? by finallyalright
This would be like if I moved from Pittsburgh, PA to Lima, OH and wondered why it sucks.
If you’re more comfortable in a backwards Republican theocracy, I’d think York would be a good spot.
pedantic_comments t1_j5fclai wrote
It’s mentioned down thread, but check the LED code on the motherboard and see what the furnace is trying to tell you. Kill the circuit, clean the igniter and check the intake and exhaust for blocks - sounds like it could be a gas supply or ignition problem if the blower is still running.
It seems dumb, but sometimes turning it off and turning it on again resets the furnace and thermostat - definitely make sure thermostat has power/batteries, etc also.
pedantic_comments t1_j4szpe4 wrote
Reply to comment by 30686 in South Fayette man pleads to Jan. 6 Capitol riot charges | by imll99
Justice Dept says $1.5 million to repair the Capitol and this turd broke inside. Restitution should be cost divided by those found guilty of entering the building. He should be looking at 10x - 100x that amount.
pedantic_comments t1_j4so5zq wrote
$2K in restitution for breaking a window and assaulting guards when you broke into Congress?!
What a fucking joke.
pedantic_comments t1_j47kwzv wrote
Reply to comment by Elouiseotter in St. Joseph's Church in Bloomfield could close in the near future by Elouiseotter
Cause repurposing and retrofitting old buildings is fucking cool.
pedantic_comments t1_j47jle3 wrote
Reply to comment by GargantuanWitch in St. Joseph's Church in Bloomfield could close in the near future by Elouiseotter
This perspective destroys our common history and gets us trendy disasters like Posvar Hall… or worse, a multistory single use parking garage.
If you walk down Liberty Ave, you can go drink beer and eat in a repurposed church. You don’t have to be Catholic to appreciate that the biggest, oldest, most artfully designed and constructed buildings in our neighborhoods have intrinsic value and might be worth preserving. Larimer and Garfield are both making efforts to use public and private means to repair and repurpose a church and a synagogue, for example.
pedantic_comments t1_j21ga0q wrote
They will appeal at the last possible moment to make it as difficult as possible.
pedantic_comments t1_j20bd40 wrote
Reply to comment by MyThrOHAcct in Wrote an article about blight in the Mon Valley. Learned a lot while writing it. by Omgitsjustdae
Sounds like concrete evidence can’t compete with your precious feelings.
pedantic_comments t1_j207o75 wrote
Reply to comment by MyThrOHAcct in Wrote an article about blight in the Mon Valley. Learned a lot while writing it. by Omgitsjustdae
I can be high and point to the new businesses Fetterman helped foster at the same time, fam.
Sounds like you’re just mad at reality and having trouble coping with a process we call democracy.
pedantic_comments t1_j206bqa wrote
Reply to comment by MyThrOHAcct in Wrote an article about blight in the Mon Valley. Learned a lot while writing it. by Omgitsjustdae
Anybody who actually goes there can tell you John had a big impact on Braddock - his family still runs the free store.
I submit that you are trolling, stupid or both.
pedantic_comments t1_j15mm39 wrote
Reply to comment by chuckie512 in Actual Shell Cracker Plant Disagrees with Paperwork Over How Many VOCs It Will Emit by leadfoot9
That’s the real kicker, innit? What could the commonwealth have done with $1-$2 billion besides bribe a fossil fuel company?
pedantic_comments t1_izo5fno wrote
Reply to comment by ell0bo in Wolf Administration Seeks to Finish Off the Senate GOP’s Languishing 2020 Election Inquiry by Open_Veins_8
The Inquirer is on it and the redacted contract was released - quarter million bucks to review 700 emails and 100 affidavits. Republicans won’t cooperate to fight corruption because they are complicit. You can’t make the public care and you can’t investigate without being accused of being partisan.
pedantic_comments t1_izo3ep8 wrote
Reply to comment by EarthRester in Wolf Administration Seeks to Finish Off the Senate GOP’s Languishing 2020 Election Inquiry by Open_Veins_8
I’m surprised no reporters have broken a story like this, but I think you need someone to do legwork in Iowa. Here’s the registration info for the company:
The address looks like the personal home of their tax preparer, or attorney, etc. I’d wager it’s buried by three layers of LLCs and then owned by someone voting to “investigate” elections.
pedantic_comments t1_izo0l9r wrote
Reply to Wolf Administration Seeks to Finish Off the Senate GOP’s Languishing 2020 Election Inquiry by Open_Veins_8
> “The committee had also agreed to a contract in 2021 worth more than $250,000 with a little-known limited liability company, Envoy Sage, to examine that data if and when it came, and also to investigate tips of fraud and third-party election interference.
>It isn’t clear whether the company ever performed any work. A phone number for Envoy Sage was perpetually busy, and the company didn’t respond to an email. Votebeat and SpotlightPA have requested records from the Pennsylvania Treasury showing how much the company was actually paid, but have not yet received them.”
Republicans are using lies about election integrity to funnel hundreds of thousands to a private company that can’t be contacted. Has any “conservative” seen those commandments and the one about stealing?
pedantic_comments t1_izjv7h2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Pennsylvania marijuana pardon project: Relief benefits fewer than expected by Kunphen
Yeah, besides healthcare, infrastructure, ending the perpetual war in Afghanistan, freezing student loan repayment, voter rights and codifying same sex marriage protections, both parties are totally the same!
pedantic_comments t1_iz1d6zs wrote
Reply to comment by Pizzaville87 in PA Rejects Over 90% of Cannabis Pardon Applicants in Disappointing Attempt at Reform by CannaChefBuz
If it seems like the two parties are the same to you, I humbly submit that you have the political wherewithal of an idiot.
pedantic_comments t1_iydebd9 wrote
Reply to comment by B0bb3r7 in Allegheny General Hospital Experience by SoCalVanGough
You are free to die at home if you can’t understand or follow quarantine in a hospital, fam.
pedantic_comments t1_iyag9yd wrote
Reply to Allegheny General Hospital Experience by SoCalVanGough
Pharmacy tech writes poorly written screed about how their preferences are more important than hospital quarantine procedures.
You aren’t special. Gam-Gam and Peepaw got special treatment because you were an asshole and you are still complaining that you didn’t get it right away and had to walk.
pedantic_comments t1_iy10lm6 wrote
Reply to comment by BurghPuppies in Article about the terminal building development. Thoughts? by _koopatroopa_
White Whale is expanding and hosting readings and a coffee bar. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.
pedantic_comments t1_j6o0jit wrote
Reply to comment by drmartykrauss in PublicSource: Where's the money in the Allegheny County exec race? by drmartykrauss
As the article mentions, anyone who pays property taxes has to write out checks to the treasurer every year. I can’t remember who it was before Weinstein, but I would think being the tax man is not good name recognition.