perfectlyniceperson t1_j93ye41 wrote
Reply to comment by RedheadVirgo73 in Give me all the details by Total-Article-7017
This is the third comment I’ve seen in this sub mentioning cashew chicken - what’s that about? I’m new here, I don’t know the lore.
perfectlyniceperson t1_j7plino wrote
Reply to comment by andheinz in Looking for things to do on a cooler, rainy day (like today) here in Springfield. by hikingjoey123
Ooh, I love a flea market. Any particular recommendations?
perfectlyniceperson t1_j1omaj2 wrote
Reply to comment by Cloud_Disconnected in anyone know about the Camaro crashed on township? by [deleted]
Supposedly the kids all spit and cuss when he drives by
perfectlyniceperson t1_jaanw1y wrote
Reply to comment by Occhrome in Got given this backpack when I was in school year 7 (age 12) I’m now 29 and have it’s showing no signs of failing other than fading ( was originally black) . Couldn’t recommend this backpack enough. Brand Lowe Alpine by elysianfields101
I’m so tired of this story 😢