
pete_68 t1_j07jl67 wrote

You sometimes have to wonder about the people that come up with this shit. Do they look up at the sky, see a cloud and think: Hmm, that cloud looks like a bird. Must be aliens. Or is it just when ordinary stuff on Mars looks like something they recognize that it must be aliens?


pete_68 t1_iy9yaef wrote

Just because something is a good or effective treatment, doesn't mean it works for everyone or even most people. I said it's as effective as SSRIs and I'll stand by that.

There's this study and then there's this meta-study that both conclude it's an effective treatment for depression. - "In summary, exercise appears to be an effective treatment for depression, improving depressive symptoms to a comparable extent as pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. Observational studies suggest that active people are less likely to be depressed, and interventional studies suggest that exercise is beneficial in reducing depression."

But by all means, cite evidence that this is wrong.


pete_68 t1_iy8blrv wrote

Exercise is also the best treatment for depression (as effective as SSRIs, though not necessarily for the same groups of people that SSRIs are effective for, and the effects last longer after stopping, than when you quit SSRIs).

But of course, the problem is for depressed people, it's hard to get motivated to exercise. I imagine the same problem happens for bipolar people in the low times.


pete_68 t1_ixma6rt wrote

Yeah, I know. But all we see is the effect. My money is on primordial black holes, personally. But that's only one problem. I see the neutrino issue as more fundamental, but like you, untrained...


pete_68 t1_ixlrq99 wrote

But 95+% of physicists are working on SM and like 5 guys and a dog are working in a basement on MOND, I guess is my point and SM has made almost no progress on these things in a while. Might be time to start looking at alternatives to SM.


pete_68 t1_ixjxr8a wrote

Yeah, my wife and I are similar, but I'm older, I suspect. I spent my 20s partying (and working) and spent 3 years living in a Mexican resort community 'cause why not, while I could. Now we scrimp and save, get clothes from thrift stores. Paying off our 2nd house and getting ready to retire about 7 years early.

Planning on his and hers tiny homes, somewhere warm. Just waiting for our daughter to graduate...


pete_68 t1_ixjwijj wrote

We always talk about how successful it is, but it's got some serious problems. Not a hint of dark matter to be found, so far. Just a gravity effect we can't account for. A universe with accelerating expansion from dark energy that we also can't detect. Matter/antimatter asymmetry, neutrino mass, and the strong CP problem.

Oh, and let's not forget the elephant in the universe: gravity.

Those are some mighty big holes.


pete_68 t1_isw3yxt wrote

10 minutes is enough time to cover 3 miles. That's enough time to turn it on a mile away from the enemy, have it run over to them, take out several soldiers and run back. And that's just today's tech. More batteries just adds more weight which means more damage.


pete_68 t1_isuczes wrote

Couldn't imagine that I would be the first with the idea... It was one of the first things I thought of when I first saw the Cheetah bot years ago. "Imagine that thing running into a person at full speed. Ouch."


pete_68 t1_isu08fz wrote

Imagine the Boston Dynamics Cheetah Robot on the battlefield. No weapons. Just the bot. Get him to correctly identify the enemy and then let him just run full-speed at them until impact, Then go after the next. A 70lb metal box hitting your legs at 30mph is going to take you out of the fight, even if it doesn't kill you. Add spikes and armor...

That's the nightmare future I see.


pete_68 t1_ism5o88 wrote

Assume it isn't. We had 2 there were supposed to be and the builders screwed up the installation and both burst (7 years apart). Get those styrofoam covers that you can attach to them.

I HATE doing plumbing and cutting open my walls and repairing two of them was not how I enjoy spending my time.