petergriffin999 t1_iw7ft7e wrote
Reply to comment by shy-bae in Farmington child hospitalized for RSV in Maine after family cannot find NH beds by every1getslaid
Yep. Supposedly there is a benefit (to the vaccine) in terms of how hard it hits you, I'm seen conflicting studies on that so at this point I'm just giving it the benefit of the doubt as far as that goes.
But in terms of whether or not you acquire the virus, OR transmit it: vaccine has zero or negligible impact.
petergriffin999 t1_iw4siy9 wrote
Reply to comment by foodandart in Farmington child hospitalized for RSV in Maine after family cannot find NH beds by every1getslaid
You don't know what the term "plague rats" means.
Like I said in my post, it can help people who are at risk
But the term "plague rats" means "plague spreaders". Vaccinated or not vaccinated, it makes no difference regarding the spread.
petergriffin999 t1_iw38byy wrote
Reply to comment by thekuroikenshi in Farmington child hospitalized for RSV in Maine after family cannot find NH beds by every1getslaid
The effect on transmission is zero, and the duration of transmissibility as it relates to peak viral load still had no impact on the case studies.
Check the lancet journal of medicine report from last October.
The data shows that for those at risk, it can help prevent more serious side effects. But that's it.
It has no measurable beneficial effect on either acquiring or transmitting the virus, in comparison to someone that is unvaccinated.
The data also shows now that the side effects re: heart problems, is due to the vaccine, not COVID-19. That doesn't mean it's evil or a plot or that the benefits might not outweigh the heart risk, for people who are at risk from severe problems due to COVID-19.
But as far as the people who said that it's a personal decision re: risk / reward, they were absolutely correct. Everyone who criticized them as "plague rats" were wrong.
petergriffin999 t1_ivkp8ge wrote
Reply to comment by NeilDatgrassHighson in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
Oh, I didn't know you were so against NH's current laws. And the laws of just about every single country in the world.
Supporting abortion at 8 months and 29 days is really, really gross and murdery. I hope you change your viewpoint.
petergriffin999 t1_ivkoh94 wrote
Reply to comment by NeilDatgrassHighson in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
You do know that New Hampshire's current policy has (scary capital letters mine) "NO EXCEPTION FOR RAPE VICTIMS", right?
That's because the current NH allows for abortion up to 24 weeks, and BANS it after that (some health concerns are an exception). If you were raped, you don't magically learn that after 24 weeks. That's why current NH law has "NO EXCEPTION FOR RAPE VICTIMS".
Liberals try to deceive, so they paint him as "supports a BAN on abortion, with NO EXCEPTION FOR RAPE VICTIMS", and you eat it up, thinking that he supports a ban on abortion 100% regardless how many days after sex, which simply is not true. He's also said over and over again that it is not a federal issue and would not support any federal involvement on the topic, it should be left up to the state.
petergriffin999 t1_ivkftyw wrote
Reply to comment by NeilDatgrassHighson in Who got your vote? by uzernaimed
LOL imagine thinking any of that is true.
petergriffin999 t1_iv1w6qu wrote
Reply to comment by Peeeculiar in Drug cartels use new tactics to try to reach more users in NH. Counterfeit, colorful pills used to hide dangerous drugs by [deleted]
I have no problem having tactical missiles come in to play.
petergriffin999 t1_iuk04wx wrote
Reply to comment by WhoWhatWhereWhenHowY in Trump endorses New Hampshire senate candidate who says are children using litter boxes at school | The Independent by I_Hate_Kidz
George Clooney has entered the chat
petergriffin999 t1_iujq5vm wrote
Reply to Hall and Oates. by mixedelements
petergriffin999 t1_iuignaw wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in Dartmouth cancels live event due to fear of protesters by Hilarias_Glucose_Cup
Attempting to prevent, by breaking laws, whether successful or not... others from hearing the opposing viewpoint, is unacceptable.
You can have your opinion. You can organize your own public speaking event at the school to express your viewpoint. You can stand to the side and not impede others from entering the building, just like the anti abortionists are required to, and shout till your heart is content, without breaking any laws, and be free from persecution by the govt.
If you glue yourself to the doors, pull fire alarms, call in threats, or, like many loony liberals do: assault, throw concrete milkshakes, etc -- you should be arrested and prosecuted.
petergriffin999 t1_iuieaaj wrote
Reply to comment by warren_stupidity in Dartmouth cancels live event due to fear of protesters by Hilarias_Glucose_Cup
Just FYI protesting peacefully without breaking any laws sounds great.
Demanding that others not hear the message of the opposing viewpoint isn't protesting.
The 1st amendment entitles you to be free of persecution from the govt for holding and expressing your opinion.
It doesn't allow you to block traffic, entrance to buildings, pull fire alarms.
When you think that others shouldn't be able to simply hear a viewpoint, then you should check yourself.
petergriffin999 t1_iuhxtz1 wrote
Liberals: doing everything they can to get viewpoints they don't agree with cancelled.
"You must not be allowed to hear that message!"
petergriffin999 t1_irigji8 wrote
Reply to proud boys in Manchester? by FagenSnow
Downvoted for your ridiculous reaction. Grow up.
petergriffin999 t1_ir5wv5t wrote
Reply to NH/VT/ME What's your list? by TheMobyDicks
Brewery: Lawson's Finest Liquids, VT.
While Heady Topper is the OG, I think Lawson's has several better.
petergriffin999 t1_ir007jz wrote
Reply to comment by pbredd in There have been more and more incidents of racially derogatory words being used by younger younger kids, at least here in Londonderry, NH. What’s the deal? by [deleted]
Found the racist!
petergriffin999 t1_iqzzvb4 wrote
Reply to comment by a-pences in There have been more and more incidents of racially derogatory words being used by younger younger kids, at least here in Londonderry, NH. What’s the deal? by [deleted]
Found the racist.
petergriffin999 t1_iw7g8sb wrote
Reply to comment by Darwins_Dog in Farmington child hospitalized for RSV in Maine after family cannot find NH beds by every1getslaid
Patently untrue. The study I'm referring to showed of > 1000 households where 1 person had COVID (half vaxxed, half not) what was the effect on other family members that shared the household, and visitors, where there was also a good mix of vaxxed and not vaxxed.
Some acquired the virus, some didn't. But even those results were evenly distributed among vaxxed and non vaxxed.