
ph30nix01 t1_j1seyv2 wrote

"What do you mean everything looks like heaven to you." Asked the demon. "What does that lava pit over there with the people screaming in agony?"

"What you mean that pool and hot tub?" I replied " just looks like people splashing around playing volleyball."

"What???? That's not possible and how are you not feeling the pain of the searing heat." The demon demanded.

"I mean it's kinda warm but only in the sunlight those. The shade from those willow trees looks comfy though." I said walking over.

The demon chasing after me and exclaimed "those are geysers of molten lava not weeping willows!"

Before I could reach them the demon ran in front of me and blocked my path.

"Here hold this" they said while handing me the most beautiful diamond. Shinning so brilliantly that it seemed to produce the light rather than reflecting it.

"Omg look at this thing." I said holding it to my eye. " it's like there is a rainbow inside."

"WHAT!!! That is a ball of smoldering coal!" Stamping their foot in disgust.

"Hey dudes look at this" I yelled walking over to some people who appeared to be sitting on some picnic tables talking.

As soon as they saw it I could see wonder in their eyes."it's beautiful why have I never noticed this before."

One of the people began crying "if only I had seen sooner there is so much I could have done around here!!!"

"I know right. when did we get a spa?" Said a middle aged man wiping what appeared to be soot off his clothes.

"NO NO NO!" Raged the demon. "You're infecting them!!!"

"Whoa an angel!" Exclaimed a child who was using the diamond in a game of catch with some other children."

"I've never seen one with black feathered wings before." A woman carrying an infant said walking up to the demon. "I'd like to file some complaints. Why have we been here so long but not allowed to use these public amenities?"

"What!! There is nothing but pain and suffering here! Even if we had anything like that it wouldn't be 'Public'."

"That sign right there by the pool says 'For public use. For service call (666)555-3146'." I said. Reading the sign to the demon.

Rubbing their eyes the demon screamed in terror "oh no I can see them now too!!! What have you done to me!" Before flapping it's wings and flying away.

"I'll be back and you'll be sorry!"

"OKAY!" I yelled back "Don't forget to bring a supervisor!!!"


ph30nix01 t1_iy0c6mf wrote

I try to not read malice in other words. And if that's what let's your brain relax then write to an audience of one.

Or do what I do pretend you are a cool literary character and fix potholes you don't like.


ph30nix01 t1_ixzc5b7 wrote

"Oh no..." Said the human behind me. "how many of those vials did you drink?"

"Umm all of them... so like 12?" responded my crewmate.

"Ugh... Captain can we please put Johnny Reckless here in isolation?' Asked the Human.

"Harry, is it?" Asked the captain. After a nod from Harry he continued "is there an infections disease or parasite risk?"

Thinking for a moment and clearly about to say Yes the human gets a perplexed look before saying "Not exactly??" with visible confusion.

"hold on my family is explaining it to me, I was just collecting samples for my grandfather." the human closed his eyes and put a finger to his temple.

The rest of the crew saw what was happening and rushed over to watch. "Oh My God the human is about to channel!!!" said one excited crewmate.

"I've never gotten to witness one in person!" said another.

"they don't usually commune with the collective consciousness in public this must be something HUGE!" said

assuming a stance of confidence and pride Harry began to speak in an authoritative tone.

"Our Family has always believed that above all the water remembers, all life began in the water and all life eventually returns to the water. We have returned to reclaim the ancestors of humanity so they can be restored and reunited with their families." with a sign Harry continued in his usual tone. "okay so the deal is we have always believed that a human could be reconstructed by the collective back into its original form once it has been broken back down into its base components. We just never had the technology to identify the base components accurately enough do so."

'like the ship of Theseus." asked an Asgard their large eyes staring intently. "So your concern is now that our crewmate has taken your family hostage you will not be able to recover them?"

"well I wouldn't accuse him of kidnapping since its an honest mistake but yes. It took all of our families resources to track down and identify water samples from the correct time periods containing the needed materials." Harry said waving a hand at the now incredibly embarrassed crewmate.

"Well then I believe another Earth concept will solve the issue for us and once thats done i would love to help you continue your research. This could be the solution the Asgard have been looking for in regards to our cloning degradation and restoration of our collective." Said the Asgard.

Confused one of the crewmates ask "what concept?"

"I believe they are referring to "Montezuma's revenge". before doubling over laughing

"indeed" said a human figure next to the Asgard.


ph30nix01 t1_ixvec7e wrote

Loved it as well the concept alone is beautiful and can be used to explain so many beacons of hope in our lives.

Especially if they can get sent backwards thru other people giving you a bit of hope on a bad day.